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ensete So I bought a Dasung e-ink monitor, the 13.3 inch one, off Amazon and hooked it up. It took some fiddling but I got the display working. It isn't helping and I am still getting eye strain and facial muscle pain
So that rules out backlight (since the screen has no backlight), refresh rate (since the screen has no refresh rate)
I have the little Dasung Not eReader that I sometimes use as an external monitor- with my work 2015 MacBook Air that has an unusable screen. The Dasung screen is sometimes OK for me and sometimes is as bad or worse than the LED screen. The Dasung has a 45 Hz refresh rate and sometimes the flicker introduced by the software/operating system is quite visible on the Dasung and bothers my head. I haven’t used it with Windows yet, but with the Mac, Word and Excel are OK as long as I don’t highlight things too much - the highlighting shimmers on the Dasung - I assume Apple uses temporal dithering to create the highlight effect. Having a night mode filter on also creates flickering shimmer all over the screen. Some websites are OK, some are very irritating. Videos can be very bad. Scrolling a lot is bad for me regardless of the program - I think because of the flicker effect as the scrolling happens. The Dasung screen modes that have less fine grayscale detail seem a bit more tolerable than the more nuanced mode. So I use the Dasung most of the time now to do text-based tasks and am limiting how much graphics, web, and editing work I do. I’m glad I have the Dasung overall, but it definitely doesn’t eliminate screen flicker in many circumstances and sometimes it amplifies the visibility of the flicker.