Yesterday I received two pairs of prism glasses (one exclusively for vertical misalignment and one for both vertical and horizontal). Today I tried "vertical" prisms and my body reaction was pretty much the same as it was when I was trying my first and second prism lenses - I got a severe headache, pain around my eyes, dizziness and all I could do was going to bed to recover with the help of sleep. Most of the symptoms appeared after computer use, not at the acual time of use. Tomorrow I will be trying the second pair, but I have no expectations.
Patching my other eye than I usually patch gives a bit more of relief, but it's still nowhere near to feel comfortable.
That's my rating:
Patch on right eye 1/10
Patch on left eye 2/10
Astigmatism lenses (-0.25 both eyes) 5/10
This week I made an interesting purchase, I bought the Maddox rod which is very helpful at assessing your exo/eso phoria. I made sure I have a very small horizontal heterophoria and a bit more of exophoria. My prism glasses power is only 2, and my Maddox rod test proved they are not enough to fully compensate for my exophoria. I wonder how I would react with stronger prisms like 4 or 6.
Small astigmatic lenses definitely help, but according to Maddox rod test they have no impact on my heterophoria.
bkdo Did you feel a relief at first moments with your recent prisms or did you need more time to adjust?