In the beginning of November I changed my mobile device to a iPhone 13 Pro. It’s definitely a bit worse than my previous iPhone 11 Pro. So after two weeks, i started with covering one eye. The interesting thing here is that it was more problematic then I remember. Some nights it didn’t work with one eye, and some it did. The nights it worked I had it covered the whole time for some hours, and the nights when i covered, uncovered and covered again it just got bad.
So the conclusion here is, if it don’t work with covering one eye direct, try other variant and find what works for you. One test is not enough.
In the beginning of December i was brave enough to change tv to a brand new LG G1 “OLED EVO”. Just like the iPhone 13 Pro it was worse than my older Sony LED-tv from 2011.
With some weeks of one eye training things is going in the right direction and now my new devices feels quite nice. But not as good as my old devices. So i will keep on training for some more weeks or months.