Hi all!
I’ve been on here for about 2 weeks; figured I’d make an introduction topic to socialize a bit
I’m a programmer, male 31 and live in Bulgaria. I love GPU-accelerated graphics programming (and I’m trying to learn to love Jesus Christ, whom I have accepted ).
Until 2 years ago I never had any eye problems.
That’s when I had to quickly reduce my doses of a bunch of potent medications (including the ones I take for my OCD) and that made my physical health (including eye health) go to hell. Take my word for it – don’t make my mistake! The medical term is “withdrawal syndrome” btw.
Until recently, my top website (as in, most lifesaving and most respected/loved) was survivingantidepressants.org. Since 2 weeks ago, LEDStrain is a contender for that spot . I am gradually learning that dedicated forum-type websites are a goldmine for quality content that you cannot get on “hosted” communities like subreddits or Facebook groups or Quora or StackExchanges.
I still haven’t figured what hardware/software exactly my eyes are bothered by. I am currently using the following setup:
- Plenty of magnesium + plenty of water + some supplement called Acomodin
- Regular hygiene of the eyes
- External LCD display from 2005, set to maximum brightness just in case my display has PWM
- Ditherig.exe 2.0 with all dithering disabled
- “Iris” software that reduces the screen brightness and gives a strong red tint
- Left eye covered by a piece of paper
- Big fonts and icons on all my devices
- As to the smartphone, I use a Moto e4 which is easy on my eyes, despite being a low-end and outdated device
All this stuff means I can use screens for about 3 hours a day, which is a huge leap compared to the 3 minutes a day I could manage before. It gives me hope I can get a job again some day (rather than be totally disabled).
In closing, I love you guys because you’re cordial, you actively fight for your health, and are geeks in the good sense of the word. Which is a good combo that makes a community useful to me.
Cheers and let’s kick this illness’s ass together! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞