I had forgotten that roughly 3-4 years ago, I bought a high speed panel meant for gaming that was a TN panel. At the time I didn't know that to obtain those speeds and to lighten the load, these were 6 bit panels that may have likely been using FRC to show 8 bit colors. I had to return that panel. This was my first encounter with display issues.
I bring this up to try and connect the dots for some of us as I realize our problems are diverse. My logic is:
- TN 6 bit panel likely using FRC to show 8 bit color = Discomfort for me
- Fast forward to HDR, 8 bit panels using 10 bit color = Discomfort for me
If my issues with Apple are related, I may have a true pattern here.
If anyone else is in a similar boat, I'd love to hear from you.