chahahc Hello chahahc! Thank you for joining!
There are no other layers in between glass panels aside from liquid crystals, and there could not be; BEF is used solely after the rear polarizer. But symptoms from BEF and symptoms from this glass layer are weirdly similar for infromerkh. I found a video where a laser ray goes through BEF and comes out not as a dot, but as a line. Infromerkh immediately checked BEF - it makes a line. And he checked the glass layer. Glass layer makes a cross. Here is a photo. It is hard to explain. Random material won't scatter the laser ray like this, we tried. It will make a dot or a scattered dot or a big scattered circle. Now all the screen layers bend laser ray in interesting ways. I did not have big troubles with BEF (and also my sensitivity seems to be much smaller than infromerkh's) but another BEF-like layer made me uncomfortable. That one makes a thick line instead of a thin line, and it also reflects polarized light back (that could be BEFRP or something else).
Stricty speaking, BEF was uncomfortable to look through, cause it has a strange optical effect. But it gave little troubles when I applied it above the normal screen out of curiosity. BEFRP, on the other hand, managed to be problematic all the time, including when it reflected light, or when I applied it above the normal screen. It has the same optical effect but less light gets through it.
So you say that there is another layer within the screen that you left within the screen? That could be exactly what I just described, as that BEFRP or a similar one was attached to the rear polarizer. I disassembled a screen that was not working and will never be after what I've done, so no way to say if the removal is safe. But I felt like it is not entirely glued, there's a chance it can be removed with no consequences.
Infromerkh had no reflective polarizers applied to rear polarizer among the screens he disassembled (or at least I understood so). I disassembled 6 IPS smartphone screens and all of them had something attached to the rear polarizer, looking different every time.
I do feel that we are onto something.
I also wanted to ask you about the thread where you posted about the matrix. What exactly was the state of the matrix when you made the video? With or without polarizers? infromerkh says that pixel array should be visible on camera, especially without polarizers.
As I now have a big suspicion about the very matrix, I need all the possible clues. Also I got all these symptoms on Amoleds (and I am entirely not PWM-sensitive), with a visual effect of 'directed lamp', so there's a chance they share something that IPS matrix can have (as they do not have BEF layers or any other backlight layers).
I thought this 'directed lamp effect' will move together with BEF, but infromerkh says it moves with the matrix.