YES! Significantly better. Turns out it had nothing to do with my PC monitor or the LED lights in my house and everything to do with my brain deciding to generate pain even though it shouldn't be.
The most significant help I found was in the work of Dr. Alon Gordon and his book called "The Way Out". You can also listen to the podcast series here, which came out before the book was published:
This talk by Dr. Howard Schubiner (Gordon and Schubiner are colleagues) is also a fantastic introduction to Mind-Body-Syndrome and neuroplasticity:
I'm typing this message right now on a monitor that - just a few months ago - I couldn't stand to look at for more than 10 minutes! And I've now been on it for multiple hours with very little pain.
I'm not completely out of the woods yet. Some of the neural pathways that generated a LOT of pain in the past are still firing a little bit when I'm super stressed out at work, so I still get a headache sometimes as a signal that I need to calm down. But the methods described by Dr. Gordon and Dr. Schubiner have provided me with the most progress I've ever seen in 16 years. It really has been LIFE CHANGING.
If I get a moment this weekend, I'll try to write a bit more on the topic. But do check out the YouTube video and the Podcast when you get a chance!