Bought back my old computer(overpriced)

Put up double stations next to eachother, and tried gaming 3h on each, one day at the time.

Seems like the diffrence is quite small, I most likely got to the point where i started to notice the strain.

Guess my eye's are just telling me to chill with the gaming.

But id love to try that program tony! Gimmie a link please? 😃

tonyhawk99 this whole dithering thing is like a unicorn. My asus h310m-e has uhd630 and I have zero problems with it connected via VGA as I said. As much as I was afraid of intels since I've seen quite some laptops with bad screens and intels, it's perfectly fine. Are you sure your strain isn't stress induced? When I switched to new CPU and MB and realized i need to install Win 10 for it to work, I had so much anxiety going on cause so many variables, that my eyes hurt for 2 days because I was conscious of the screen. When I let it go and just did my thing it all went away and I realized that my screen is the same and the GPU is the same and CPU or MB can't really cause issues. Make sure to rule out the psychosomatic part. Just forget about the screen and do something on the PC. Don't TRY to catch the issue, it's very suggestible. If there is something , you WILL notice regardless, try not to add your will to it. Cheers

greddy i have same problem. My eyes get eyestrain when i use rtx 3060 ti and 3050. Then i change to rtx 2060 and problem solved. Eyestrain is gone

    ludwig That is so strange!! So maybe in my updating efforts, I can go up to the 20 series at least.

      Clokwork nvidia gpu production in 2020 make eyes hurt. I think nvidia change something in his chip.

        Clokwork i still dont know, not try it yet. i buy new rtx 2060 but production in 2018 ( i see it with gpuz), my old gtx 1660 super that very fine for my eyes production in 2019

        17 days later

        Not sure how far Intel's discrete GPU's have been pushed back, but at least we will soon(ish) have a legitimate 3rd player on the field. I plan on trying one out as soon as they are released. I don't heavily game on PC. Just simple games. That paired with a 60Hz monitor won't require much.

        Further to my previous replies I now have an RTX3060ti and it causes me problems whereas my 1660s did not.

        From some wikipedia entries I believe the 3060ti and 3070 share the same 'chip'

        I notice everything is slightly blurry / fuzzy, there appears to be by default no sharpening whereas the 1660 everything by default is much sharper even on default settings (same driver versions, resolution, display, cable etc all the same)

        I'm playing with settings the RGB to limited, this massively dulls the color output even on my TN screen (not tried it on an IPS) and I've also attempted to disable dithering via a registry change.

        Another thing is setting the Nvidia control panel to enable image sharpening, this is off by default and turning it on sets it to 50 (%?) and this makes the image look more how the 1660 outputs.

        Still have a migraine though, eyes not so much pain but its definately giving me significant head pressure pain which my dr said was migraine.

        I shall continue to test.

          I'm glad I'm not a PC gaming enthusiast with the way the current climate of GPUs seem. I use the Series X for most of my gaming and it's using an AMD GPU. Paired with an older simple LED backlit TV, I have no issues. If Intel GPUs don't drop within the next 2 months (when I build the new PC), I may have to try a 2080 or 3070 if I can get my hands on one to determine if I am affected.

          HAL9000 maybe the cause is dithering, in gtx 1660s dihterig default in off and in rtx 3060ti dithering default is on. So maybe if u use monitor that has color true 8 bit, dithering will off. But still this is just theory,

            logixoul Open NVidia Control Center and set color depth to 6 bits per channel, instead of 8.

            Hi, is Nvidia Control Center different to Nvidia Control Panel? I cannot find the color depth option…

            Did the change make a significant difference for you? Thanks.

              AGI Not sure if the two apps are different. I don't have the color depth option either, since I'm using "switchable laptop graphics" (I have an Intel GPU and an NVidia one). I just heard about the color depth option from another post on this forum, sorry 🙂

              • AGI likes this.


              My Benq monitor GL2480 does report on some websites as 8bit only and no FRC, which is why I got it, but still issues.

              I tried the 3060ti again later on and now it does give me sore eyes, I'm wondering if the registry change to disable dithering had not applied after log out/in when I tried previously.

              I later developed a migraine with aura a few hours later so I feel it did some damage as it were.

              I have an IPS screen I can try it on and some very old CCFL screens, everything has a slight blur to it though and I may have made things worse with the sharpening setting as this made some things flicker.

              I will raise a ticket with Nvidia and ask about this, but I am prepaired to be dissapointed.


                Hi HAL9000,

                Instead of wasting time on NVIDIA customer service and messing with your registry just move to Win11. It completely removed my eyestrain and headaches and even my eyeballs cleared from blood shots and are completely white now. I "healed" in a week or so of using Win11.

                It disabled the dithering and although I see heavy banding here and there, I don't really notice or mind it and would take it any day of the week compared to eye strain and headaches.

                P.S. Forgot to mention I run a MSI GTX 1080 Armor OC with a Gigabyte M32Q monitor over DisplayPort.


                  Hi Ludwig, as I said, mine disabled it by default/automatically. I did not do anything additional to stop dithering. It is disabled by default.

                  I just upgraded from Win10 to Win11 and my issues stopped with the first Welcome screen.

                  Could have something to do with that Vertical Blanking in Win10 that user "ensete" spoke about in this post.

                    Thats a good point, I have not tried W11 on anything due to the TPM requirements but I'm sure I can get around that somehow.

                    I shall get another hard drive and test an installation.

                    Oshim Nice. So would you say Windows 11 is perfectly usable all day for you?

                    Did you have issues with smartphones too, which smartphone to you use?


                      Hi @ryans

                      Yes, I can totally say that, BUT this is me and is not guaranteed to work for everyone.

                      Since Win11 I can go all day and all night in front of my screen at all refresh rates (60, 120, 144 and 165 Hz). But I'd say I prefer 165Hz at all times. 8 bit color! Don't mess with 10 bit FRC BS. It introduces temporal dithering and things go downhill from there. In NVIDIA control panel keep it at 8 bit (Full) at all times.

                      If you absolutely need 10 bit just buy an EIZO monitor that natively supports REAL 10 bit color.

                      Back to Win11 - it even cleared my bloodshot eyes which I thought was impossible. I LOVED my previous Samsung PLS monitor but even the Samsung gave me bloodshots and headache after a certain period of use ( haven't used it on Win11, could be amazing, who knows…)

                      For mobile I use a Chinese Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro. I think the screen is 60 Hz IPS display with HDR capability. But I wouldn't say it's completely fine because after a reading session of 5-10 small news articles I start to feel it is starting to strain my eyes. From 1 to 10, I'd give it a 7.

                      Hope this helps you.
