[deleted] did you try 10 mate pro. It is a near perfect device for me although it is 4 y old. Just saying.
iPhone 14 & 14 Pro PWM Megathread
markdotpeters5 mi 11 and mi 11 ultra have same display E4 Samsumg
Vaggbaba then it must be configured differently somehow because the PWM is not the same on those two devices.
I can use the Mi11 all day without any problems, couldn't last an hour with the 11 Ultra
markdotpeters5 how did make that?
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markdotpeters5 Can you tell me if the settings were the same? Such as anti-flickering, resolution, refresh rate? I found that anti- flickering is cause me more fatigue.
markdotpeters5 how did measure pwm iPhone 14?
Vaggbaba yes, the same.
Vaggbaba I used an Opple Light master which measures flicker rates and other display characteristics.
@markdotpeters5 ters5"#p23283
It's Xiomi Mi11? It's relatively new phone, right? Release February 8, 2021.
Would you recommend it?
gety9 it’s still great, I would definitely recommend it. Pretty much the only OLED phone I can use now.
Thanks to everyone who has replied. Ive found the 14 to be unusable even in the store. its annoying Apple isn't letting 100% brightness be DC dimming with the newer phones.
I came across this site today. My iPhone 11 is failing, so I was browsing the web.
I went to Verizon today, took a slow mo of each iPhone 14 (10 seconds each). So roughly 30-60 seconds looking at the 3 of them. I could barely walk out of the store and drive home. My eyes felt full of pressure, my face got hot, I was nauseous, headache.
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imthescott welcome to the club
So I am thinking about buying an iPhone 14 and replacing the screen with an LCD from Mobile Sentrix.
Has anyone done something similar? Did it help?
I just got off the phone with Apple, had a lengthy chat with them discussing all of this, the effects, the community etc.
They want "us" to go to https://www.apple.com/feedback/ and list out all of the facts, stats, and reasoning for an LCD variant of their phones moving forward. Even possibly the 14 if the push is overwhelming.
I think it would be best if we had someone make up a template that we could all send ourselves listing the requested information, but just change our name on each one.
It would also be good to get this out to every forum/subreddit that this community hangs out in.
Can we make this happen?
I am one of the affected users , i had iphone X for a year when it was launched , had headaches and migraines for few months didn’t realize it was oled pwm, now i have permanent migraine and dizziness, i am on iPhone 11 , did try iPhone 14 pro and same problem, i am really worried for future since it will be all OLED and iPhone 11 won’t last long , i hope apple fixes this
JRUK Since the X left me feeling very unwell I started on this journey of finding out about PWM etc. Now the world is filled with PWM issues from the flashing lights in my office to the lights and screens they put in cars. It's depressing.
OMG it is as though what you have said was spoken right out of my mouth! I am still holding on dearly to my iPhone 7 Plus from 2016. I have changed the battery, changed the broken glass screen and did everything to prolong the life of this last great LCD iphone I have owned.
The issue I have with XR and 11 aside, there is no way I can go back to using 828 resolution screen.
Look, about what you have highlighted above about PWM everywhere, it is something I have been actively researching about as well. If you suffer from chronic migraine, it is no surprise that each episode may last up to 72 hours on average. I too suffer from this thus I believe I am more familiar about this than most people outside.
PWM by itself is not the worst problem. The problem becomes worse when office/street use very high intensity brightness lamps and also changed the colour temperature from the traditional white light to a bluish- light. This bright and bluish-light combination is supposed to keep us active, alert and be more productive throughout the day. However for individuals like us, it is simply way overkill. Hence our nervous system interpret these lights as threats and respond to them as persistent migraine.
To reduce the way our body react to the above, the best workaround is to wear FL-tinted glasses. Do look it on it. It works by blocking out wavelengths responsible for triggering our migraine. Cautious though that a number of manufacterers will claim they are using FL-41. For reduced response to flickering, FL-41 tinted works best. For bright and glaring lights, dark polarized lens works best against them. For bluish-light at night(they are less noticable during the day), blu-light blocker lens that blocks over 99% of blue light works best.
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