mike training the eyes separately might create new pathways across the hemispheres? like in these opposite arm/leg exercises https://precisionchirofl.com/blog/cross-crawl-exercises-neurological-disorganization-this-is-a-good-thing/
One explanation why one-eye patching might work
what's your theory on why it works?
reaganry I think we all (like all people) have to a adapt/learn, and almost all people do this so quickly behind dithering LED-screens so they don’t notice.
Somehow we LEDStrain-people don’t adapt (or it takes long time and/or training/glasses).
Their is quite a few people on LEDStrain that have adapt to the new screens, some has left the forum. So we can’t see this problem as a “fixed condition”. It’s something some (and I hope all) can adopt to.
I have my guessing why it works, the easy explanation is relearning/reprogramming. How this works in detail I don't know, and I think we need a “top-of-the-line brain specialist” to explain how it's possible.
//Mike from Sweden
mike I wasn't discouraging anyone from trying, heck I might give it a good attempt at some point. But I don't think we should lose focus towards either aspect and I certainly have more ideas on empirically detecting, measuring and potentially mitigating bad stimulus from devices, and that's also important research.
JTL @diop you are two of the smartest guys on this forum, please read, and think about this:
I think we all work against the same goal. But in different ways (which is good I think).
I remember back in 2014 @ the Apple forum when it was some users (me included) that had big problems with a IOS 7.1 update. I was happy not to be alone, that other people had the same problem. Everyone was trying to fix it. Nobody really did. Now is 2022, soon 2023 and we are still trying to find and fix something with hardware and software. Dithering, PWM, anti-aliasing … We may all have the same underlying problem, but I don’t know if we could find five people on this forum that can use exactly the same setup. You get the picture.
It would be nice if we just could contact the manufactures like Apple and they just fix it. Even if they could fix this today it would take 10-20-30-40 years before all screens are changed in every place. I didn’t have the time to wait, and i don’t think so many else have that time either.
Thanks to @martin by coincidence I discovered one-eye-covering/patching. I had so big problems with screens so if my old computer or phone had died I couldn’t find a replacement that I could use for my work and spare time. The result had been that I couldn’t work, so for me it was do or die.
Down the line, more people like me will come to an endpoint. Where there is no more setups that will work. Then you are at do or die, and people will need solutions like one-eye-training.
So, once again. Why can’t we get more people to start patching right now. Then we can collect the data with result from patching, adjust the technic and so on. Maybe we can find a way so the patching will give better results? Why have it worked so good for me that was “first in line”, was it something special i did, was it the sinus-medicine, was it that I had so much problems that made it more easy, or something else?
And one more thing. I don’t need LEDStrain anymore, I am only here to help others!
//Mike from Sweden
jen sorry for the late response, I’ve been very sick the past several months. Strangely it all started exactly when I looked at that pattern, although there were other health issues at play. I have severely debilitating reactions to airborne fumes in garlic and onion, and got bombarded by that several times around November and December causing me to basically black and feel completely poisoned 24/7. Not fun. But I was also having a ton of weird panic attacks and deja vu, was unable to look at any screens without extremely intense cognitive symptoms.
I definitely think part of my condition could be some sort of central sensitization or even ptsd. I suffer from severe tinnitus and hyperacusis as well as all this other stuff. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.
I’ve also noticed that brute-forcing exposure to devices can help sometimes.
Fortunately I seem to be recovering pretty well after adjusting my diet and avoiding those damn fumes like the plague. My goal now is to find some sort of workable laptop situation so that I can use Microsoft Word and resume my career…
I’m scheduled to get an EEG later this year so hopefully that will shed some light on whatever is happening, although after your experience I’m not very optimistic.
tfouto It works really good now, I haven’t patched for 6 months! Some nights I can feel that my eyes are tired, that’s after 10-12 hours behind screens in a day. That’s kind of normal. I have got Philips Hue lights and the new Apple Watch.
When I patched, it was like half an hour to some hours in a day. My non-dominant eye.
mike the hero we need. but dont deserve. i too am at an endpoint all screens and leds hurt me, eye pain yada yada-. and through reading your posts. i tried eye patching and it is working. albeit slowly. but better then anything so far. so i am pretty happy. just wanted to give you a thankyou. eating healthier does help a little for me. being more alkaline. but the eye patching i think. is allowing the more damaged eye to heal. or cure myopia. dunno. but its working so am very happy. thankyou mike.
How did this end up working for you? Can you use screens now?
I'm sharing some of these threads on here with a neuro-optometrist so I can potentially do this with some professional guidance as well (and maybe get insight into what makes this work) .