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My first experience with a bad monitor was 2 years ago. It was a cheap viewsonic ips monitor. I remember after 20 minutes of watching, I quit the chair and just fell on the floor. Still completely conscious and with a strong need to eat something sugary, I ate like 4 bananas lol. It's like it threatened some form of hypoglycemia or a seizure, it was a bit scary.
Since then, I experienced strong eye strains with two gaming monitors said to be pwm free that led to bloodshot veins in my eyes that I still have to this day. My eyes used to be white. Now they have all these dirty red veins pointing to the center and I noticed many people nowadays have those also.
I experienced what I believe to be pwm with a seat ibiza screen/dashboard and couln't use the car anymore. A bwm also seemed to trigger symptoms but I'm not certain.
I had quite a few laptops that I couldn't use. Symptoms were either strain either a sense of reduced cognitive ability/slower brain and sleepiness or in the contrary over excitement and jittery.
With recent tvs that are pwm free, I have a hard time focusing and feel slight changes in personality or way of thinking.
I've noticed in general phones of all kind tend to produce less symptoms than other devices.
My theory is that everyone suffers from modern leds but some more than others.
I don't have problems with old devices that were fine to me. They still are. So it's the modern display technologies that fuck me up. Nowadays they add so many processing layers that you're not looking at an image anymore. You have the screen with all the layers. Then the gpu that adds tons of processing. And now even the os does ton of shit. I've had android updates that completely shattered usable phones. It makes everything so complex and that's why in 7 years, people still try to figure out what exactly is wrong in this site.
I try to stick as much as possible with old device and software.