I have many of the same symptoms as you do when exposed to fluorescent light or most backlit led screens. Extreme loss of working memory (can look at a name on a plaque and not remember it seconds later), confusion, disorientation and dizziness, headaches and head pressure, nausea, malaise. Symptoms start after about 5 minutes of exposure to fluorescent lights in places like grocery stores, it’s slower when being exposed to bad computer or tv screens.
I was totally normal with zero symptoms until I took a psychedelic drug called salvia when I was 23 years old and had a horrific reaction. I haven’t been the same since, no clue what the hell that stuff did to my brain.
That was way back in 2008 and it feels like the medical community has made zero progress with this condition since then. It’s dismaying to say the least.
Fortunately I’m able to work from home these days and I’ve found a few devices that I can use heavily without awful symptoms including a television and a phone, so I lead a mostly normal life. I avoid going to places with bad lights and order most of the stuff I need online.
I’ve often wondered if is some sort of epileptic seizure we’re having. Have you tried any medicines or supplements? Any eye training routines besides patching?
Also, do you happen to suffer from depersonalization or derealization? What about tunnel vision? When you watch television do you “go into the show” or is it just a 2d image on a device far away from you?
Any responses appreciated, hoping we make some progress on curing ourselves in the 2020s…