JTL You can buy multi year incandescent now. Not many people are away of them, but "rough service" and 130v incandescents are legally available for sale, and have lifespans up to 20,000 hours (Thats almost 7 years at 8 ours a day of usage). I have some in my home now as I am testing them out for my photophobia

You need to go a little higher wattage as the light output is lower. I am currently testing these

You can browse other models there too. I would not count on anything in an MIT research lab coming to the market. The best thing you can do is call up your congressmen and ask them to support a reintroduction of the BULB act.

17 days later

Hi Everyone,
Just found this forum while looking for experiences other people may have had with the Samsung Notebook 9 13.3". It looked fine in the store, but after two days it is teaching me first hand the meaning of the phrase, "my eyes are killing me".

This will be the second new laptop which I've not been able to use. The first was a reconditioned Lenovo Carbon X1 (2nd generation). That screen looked wavy and made my eyes feel like they were going to bug out of my head. This Samsung makes me feel as if there's a power drill punching in on my left temple.

My current laptop is a lenovo x140e running linux. It has an 11.6" matte screen which gives me no trouble even when using it 6 hours or more per day. The only problem is that it is quite slow.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello and offer some commiseration to others who are having similar issues.


    alec Glad to have you hear, the more eyes on this (no pun intended) the better chances of finding the true root cause and a cure.

    Be aware though that the monitor is only one part of this. A lot of folks asume the monitor is the cause of the issue since that is what we are looking at, but in reality the cause of the problem can exist anywhere in th entire display subsystem. You have video display hardware, drivers for that, cables connecting that to monitors, OS brightness, contrast, and color settings, and the monitor. An of them could be causing the issue and it can be different things for different people

    a year later

    Hi. I'm photosensitive. I'm having a lot of trouble with migraines.

    eeg was negative for epilepsy.

    I have sensory integration disorder + astigmatism + fibro or a fibro-like illness amplifying my senses since 2013. I have always had trouble with bright lights, stabby pain from flashing lights, and slower headaches from flickering flourescent lights. I now get blinded and disoriented and often fall down or stumble blindly and often get migraines from turn signals, other dangerous safety signals, blinking cursors, zooming animation, parallax animation, broken scrolling, and various other triggers.

    I had some trouble with this site because this text-box starts very small, and at the bottom of the window, so trying to type a full post meant a lot of scrolling in a little window, and a lot of sheer between the scrolling and non-scrolling elements.

    I have been using various software fixes to try to block flashing, block blinking cursors, block animated gifs, block animated pngs, try to block some other animation, and try to convert position: sticky and position: fixed to postition: static.

    ... It's not working.

    My current monitor is breaking down so I'm looking for a new one. With some past monitors, I've had a lot of trouble because some are too bright too look at, and some have status lights that are too bright to look in the general direction of. I'm still having trouble with blue and red lights, and with high contrast.

    Perhaps a better monitor would help as much as better software...?

      Ananiujitha I had some trouble with this site because this text-box starts very small, and at the bottom of the window, so trying to type a full post meant a lot of scrolling in a little window, and a lot of sheer between the scrolling and non-scrolling elements.

      Try writing your post in a text editor and paste it in the textbox when your done. Bonus points if your text editor supports Markdown for formatting.

      2 months later

      I would like to introduce myself to the community. I am based in Europe and I bought a 2017 5K 27” iMac some time ago. After a few months of light usage, last week I attempted to spend an entire day using it and for the first time I had my eyes completely dry and strained, headache and a feeling of warmth caused by the computer. Very unpleasant feeling, like motion sickness. Using night mode, minimum brightness, bigger font and low level of natural light in the room things are better because I do not have motion sickness anymore, but still the screen doesn’t feel right and I feel “confused” shall we say every time after using it. I decided to reduce usage of the iMac to the bare minimum. I researched this thing a bit and I stumbled upon the mega-thread in the Apple forum, which then led me here. I’m glad this forum exists!
      I’m going to provide some background considerations on my health in the dedicated thread, and then I’m going to open two threads with my personal observations using computers and using TVs. Hoping that all of that can be useful to someone.
      In the meantime some general considerations I had since that terrible experience with the iMac: first off, it’s reassuring not to be alone in the process of making sense of all of this and getting some attention from the manufacturers (by the way I am no expert and until last week I didn’t know anything of all of this); then, it’s sad to take note of how little is known about the issues we are experiencing in the broader medical community and (at least publicly) within the manufacturers; finally, I am now somewhat scared of this push for constant and fast progress in IT, discontinuing at the time previous technologies that were working perfectly, because this has led to problems for users that were perfectly fine before (let’s say whatever is causing problems was below the threshold) and these problems do not appear to be taken seriously by the manufacturers.


        thansk for your input in this forum.
        May you tell me where are you from exactly ?


          1. Do you use any smartphones that do not cause you strain?
          2. Have you ever used Windows laptops/computer and have they caused you issues?
          3. Have you ever had a comprehensive vision exam done where they checked for convergence issues and eye teaming? This is not done in a typical annual eye examination where they will declare you have 20/20 vision or give you glasses/contacts.
          4. Any medical history you're willing to share?
            3 months later
            Slacor stickied the discussion .
            16 days later

            Hi. I'm new to this forum, but I'm interested in understanding it all more, and helping out if I can.

            I'm 37, work as a patent attorney and live in Australia. I have had strange symptoms like ongoing dizziness, sweating, numbness and strange burning sensations a lot over the last 2 years. With monitors, the white background seems unstable and the text shimmers. I also see flashing between lines of text.

            I had been attributing it to the aftereffects of glandular fever (mono), but I recently noticed a strong correlation between computer use and being sick, so it may have been due to a change of phone around that time.

            I am more affected by my Galaxy S7 and Asus UX32VD, both of which have easily detectable PWM.

            I have tried the PWM free firmware for the Galaxy S7, but it still makes me sick quite quickly. I have a little more tolerance for my Dell 2209wa monitor, but it still isn't relaxing. My Dell work monitor is better (not sure of the model), but not perfect. This may be because I am a bit sensitive to the old fluorescent lights that are used in the office. I recently got out my old HTC One m7 (with cracked screen) and the text is more stable on it but it still makes me sick, I noticed that the backlight has an uncomfortable bluey tinge on whites and there's no colour temperature or profile settings that I could see in Android 5.

            My only real comfort is with the Boox Max 2 (e-ink) which I got recently to give me a chance to concentrate long enough to research more and arrive here!

              noigmn The reason the phone S7 makes you sick even with the flicker free firmware is most likely dithering and possibly blue light. I forget if phones are using WRGB OLED. This means high levels of white light passing through colour filters. Two phones in my life so far have worked for me. Samsung S2 and Yotaphone 2.

              • KM replied to this.

                jasonpicard Normally AMOLED phones don't use color filters nor white LEDs. That technology seems to be mostly used in LG's OLED TV panels and maybe a few other displays but not smartphones.

                I am a 35 years old guy from India and university graduate.

                A few years back I was badly affected by digital eye strain, since then I developed my interest in related articles & products. Found LEDStrain website by googling about eye strain and have justed created my account here.

                • JTL replied to this.
                  9 days later

                  PEOPLE WHO ARE LIKE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am 42 and in Illinois. Pretty much ever since the flat screen televisions have come out I have had a problem. My tv now is still an old Hitachi "normal" tv. I am terrified of the day it dies on me. Monitor wise I use an old acer v173 which has to be over 10 years old now lol But it doesn't bother me, whether I game for hours or watch movies on it, but I also do not need the latest and greatest in color and graphics or HD so..but it works =)

                  Otherwise ya, I go to visit family and the television is always on and I cannot look at it. I get motion sickness, especially there is an effect where the camera "slides" for lack of a better term, and the whole room will suddenly spin. If I look at it too long, the headaches begin. And so while everyone is watching tv I am staring at the floor. I am basically told that I will have to get "used to it" or that other people in the room "don't have that problem" so apparently there is just something wrong with me?? I don't know. But no...here are all of you as well!

                  Oh and I did try getting my own flatscreen tv about a year or so ago. A tcl something or other? Some evil thing that is stored in the closet because of all of the above reasons. Headache, nausea, even my ears were like what is this? Because apparently with all the technological improvements for televisions, speaker quality is not one of them?

                  So nice to meet all of you and looking forward to going through the topics and seeing what you have found works and doesn't work for you. Thanks for reading =)

                    gracie Thanks for joining. Are you using a smartphone without issues (if so, what)?

                    Have you had your binocular vision checked by an optometrist? This is usually not checked for unless you specifically ask and the exam takes at least 1 hour if not more. The standard 15 minute exam will not catch any issues with binocular vision. @martin has a theory that some new modern tech disrupts binocular vision causing some of these symptoms; there are several reports of people on here that vision therapy, the treatment for binocular vision issues, have helped.
