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Hi. I'm photosensitive. I'm having a lot of trouble with migraines.
eeg was negative for epilepsy.
I have sensory integration disorder + astigmatism + fibro or a fibro-like illness amplifying my senses since 2013. I have always had trouble with bright lights, stabby pain from flashing lights, and slower headaches from flickering flourescent lights. I now get blinded and disoriented and often fall down or stumble blindly and often get migraines from turn signals, other dangerous safety signals, blinking cursors, zooming animation, parallax animation, broken scrolling, and various other triggers.
I had some trouble with this site because this text-box starts very small, and at the bottom of the window, so trying to type a full post meant a lot of scrolling in a little window, and a lot of sheer between the scrolling and non-scrolling elements.
I have been using various software fixes to try to block flashing, block blinking cursors, block animated gifs, block animated pngs, try to block some other animation, and try to convert position: sticky and position: fixed to postition: static.
... It's not working.
My current monitor is breaking down so I'm looking for a new one. With some past monitors, I've had a lot of trouble because some are too bright too look at, and some have status lights that are too bright to look in the general direction of. I'm still having trouble with blue and red lights, and with high contrast.
Perhaps a better monitor would help as much as better software...?