I have a BenQ GW2780 and can use it with minimal issues. I was set on upgrading to an Eizo 2760, but I am reading negative things about newer Eizo monitors which worries me. My current monitor and the Eizo Flexscan models both bost some sort of "flicker free" brightness control, but only Eizo explicitly states they use a hybrid approach which I translate as them using high frequency PWM on mid to lower brightness levels. I haven't seen any information from BenQ stating how they implement their "flicker free" method.
I have grown to despise HDR. Many panels offered today want a piece of the P3 color space or something equivalent. That's impossible on an 8 bit monitor without FRC.
Since I don't bother with HDR, I thought Eizo Flexscan montiors would fit my requirements for a "high end" 8 bit monitor that doesn't attempt to exceed the sRGB color space. I suppose finding that quality in a monitor that uses zero PWM doesn't seem obtainable right now.