ryans I used an S9 briefly and it was tolerable for short usage. Don't know how it would fare over the long run, but I might check out this deal on Friday... it's currently $33/mo. but with the $400 credit that'd be more like $15/mo. which is much more palatable...

They're running the deal on the LG V40 ThinQ as well, I might check that out since some people thought the G7 ThinQ was good, and I know someone (JTL) was using the V20 without issues.

    Gurm I might check that out since some people thought the G7 ThinQ was good

    In the store, I thought both ThinQ's looked better than the S9 myself. Did someone on here tell you that ThinQ's are better?

    • Gurm replied to this.

      ryans Someone had mentioned it, I believe in this thread.

      With XS I think it depends from screen factory, I had one from Apple store online, and it was surly better then one I have now. I had to return it and then I've tried XR from Apple online and it was 100% worse than XS as I wrote before.
      So I've bought for me XS and my wife XR in other store in my town and when I compare this two now XR seem to better for me. Not perfect but better. After two weeks of usage XS I can use this for 30 minutes some day longer some day not.
      XS is better for me than XR with size and two cams. I will give it some time if not I will change this with my wife's XR. I use this now with mate screen protector and it dont help a lot. I ordered also some expensive ZAAG screen protector with blue light filter, but I don't think it will help and I hope they return 30 days policy work as they wrote..

      • Gurm replied to this.

        tomek I love Zagg protectors for their protection and clarity but NOT for my eyes. For my eyes, Skinomi TechArmor Matte is the only thing that makes the screens better...

        KM Picking up the OnePlus 3 tonight secondhand. Will implement your suggestions. Fingers crossed!

          degen I hope it works for you, too. Keep in mind you will look at PWM during the initial setup process if the environment's light is too low. Doing it right next to a window could help.

            The only phone which I know that actually works with me is a Samsung S4 Mini. I have whole my life Eye strain with certain screens. Is there anybody who also has no eye strain with the S2 and can recommend some other phones? The new Samsungs and Apple's dont work for me.

              Leachim38 S2 OLED screen gave me no eye strain. I'm now only using the Yotaphone 2 OLED screen OLED side it gives me no eye strain. I can't use any LED screen without getting eye strain. This phone is the only thing that doesn't cause strain. If I use the crappy e ink side I get strain. OLED side no issues. I have had it for two years now.

                KM How important did you find Paranoid Android for eye comfort? I'm on 8.0 right now and I spent all night trying to do this without success (fastboot not working and tried all solutions I could find). I will try it on 8.0 for now.

                Also how are you setting to to 65/255 brightness?That brightness manager seems to be gone.

                • KM replied to this.

                  jasonpicard Now that's strange because OLED part of yota 2 gives immediate sharp pain for me and the eink was the only solution to use android for the last 6 months. However Dasun paperlike 3, gives me some kind of eye pain, so as I can see eink is not a solution for us, atleast not for everybody.

                    degen Like super usable vs totally unusable after a while. I'm not sure anymore if I tested the version you're on now.
                    If you need some help, let me know. Basically you unlock the bootloader somewhere in the Android Settings. It's a simple switch. Then you get the latest TWRP image from twrp.me for the OnePlus 3. You reboot into fastboot mode, and then from a terminal on your computer, type fastboot devices to see if the phone is connected properly. If it shows up, type fastboot flash recovery twrp.img (or whatever the filename is). Then reboot into recovery mode, which is now TWRP. It automatically runs ADB in the background. So you download Paranoid Android 7.3.1 for OP3 as a zip file and then copy it onto the device by typing "adb push paranoid.zip /sdcard". Then the file is on the phone's internal 64 GB memory. You can then install the ROM from within TWRP.
                    If something ever goes wrong, dont worry for there is an unbrick tool: https://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-3/how-to/guide-mega-unbrick-guide-hard-bricked-t3405700

                    There are a lot of guides that tell you to do this and that, but most of it is not necessary. For example, you don't need to install root access. But if you want the Google Play Store, download an OpenGapps package from opengapps.org, choose ARM64 and the right Android version (7.1). nano or pico should be enough, in doubt choose nano. Install that zip file right after you installed the ROM, with no reboots in between.

                    I use Linux for adb and fastboot. For Debian/Ubuntu it is as simple to install as typing "sudo apt install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot". On Arch, IIRC "pacman -S android-tools". Not sure about Windows.

                    degen Also how are you setting to to 65/255 brightness?That brightness manager seems to be gone.

                    Wow, it seems it's really gone. That is most unfortunate, but some other simple apps should be able to do that, too. I just don't know of any right now. Look for screenshots that show values 0-255 and stay away from any "dimming" apps that change the colors.
                    Or search for "brightness manager igor Tseglevskiy" and download it from some other, trustworthy app store.
                    Almost forgot: if you choose to stay on OgygenOS, the brightness is 68.

                      I had the opportunity to play with Pixel 3 for about 30 minutes in the store. While using it my eyes became very strained and it became hard to focus when looking away from the device. I also felt very anxious for about an hour after using it 🙁. The Pixel 3 XL did seem easier on my eyes for whatever reason.

                      I've purchased LG G7 ThinQ directly from Verizon and am cearly praying it is tolerable.

                      • Gurm replied to this.

                        ryans I'd love to know about the G7. The G6 was... ok for light use but not a long-term phone for me. I'm temped to jump on the V40 ThinQ, it's on black friday super sale today... but so is the G7...

                        KM Thank you I will read your instructions carefully and try again tonight. Phone is in fastboot mode. USB debugging on and in PTP mode. Platform tools is installed correctly. Adb devices finds the phone just fine, but fastboot devices doesn't find anything. Tried about 10 different drivers too, universal ABD drivers, 15s installer, etc., even turned off signature verification and tried the one OnePlus provides, installing different drivers manually in the device manager. Read every thread on xda. Tried on both Windows 10 and 7 machines.

                        • KM replied to this.

                          degen You probably must boot into fastboot mode and then unlock the device, one time only, with the command fastboot oem unlock. After that, you have a convenient menu at boot, from which you can always choose recovery, fastboot etc. But the first time is a little tricky: Press and hold volume up and then power on the device (don't release). I forgot about this, it is mentioned here for example in post #4: https://forums.oneplus.com/threads/guide-oneplus-3-how-to-unlock-bootloader-flash-twrp-root-nandroid-efs-backup-and-more.448149/
                          Posta other than #4 are a little messy.

                          But maybe you want to test OxygenOS first if it feels OK to look at it.

                          Thanks for your help! I have Paranoid Android 7.3.1 with Google Play store now. Only thing I'm missing is Brightness Manager. I found it here https://androidappsapk.co/detail-brightness-manager-2/ but I don't know if it's "trustworthy".

                          Will spend a couple of weeks with this setup before I pass judgement, but I like what I feel so far. Of course I have been fooled many times before so only time will tell.

                            degen I downloaded the file from your link and compared its md5sum with the app backup I still had saved on my device. The MD5 checksums are the same.
                            It is 244f2ed0f5aae1b5b029a3e503f13e60.

                              Markus Since 2 weeks I am forcing me using a Pixel 2 XL, because that is the phone I like to use.

                              Are your eyes getting used to it?

                              Markus Of course you can count on me funding for more research so get a solution for the strain.

                              Other than what we do on here, does anyone else do research that you've seen? I've tried looking and have not found any.
