ensete That was me. Unfortunately those "color filters" don't change the way the dispaly render colors. It just changes the color it is displaying. For example, if you are sensitive to particular spectrum of blue light the display emits, f.lux and the like won't change that from being emitted. It will just add red and green to the color display to make it look less blue.
ICC profiles work by actually changing the way the display shows colors. Unfortunately Google has decided not to add ICC support to Android, which is weird since there already exists an ICC profile class for Java so it would be trivial for it to be incorporated into the OS, and color accuracy is a huge deal for photographers and have kept smartphone from really being considered high end cameras, but they have handwaved away the issue like so many people who do not suffer our symptoms. You can search the Android bug report/suggestion forums for ICC and see the discussions.
You should really try and install the CF.lumen in your phone. The app does not just change the color of the phone, actually this is true only if your phone is unrooted. But for rooted phones, the app can install and change the driver of the graphics itself. Here is some extract of what the app can do:
CF.lumen currently supports several driver backends to adjust the display: the original CF.lumen driver, the KCAL kernel driver, the PCC/RGB kernel driver, and the rootless (non-root) overlay. Driver selection will only be presented to you if multiple drivers are actually supported on your device.
Drivers: CF.lumen: Performance mode
This driver mode overrides Android's rendering system in a different way. While it doesn't work on all devices and firmwares, if it does work, it is often significantly faster than the compatibility mode. It also doesn't suffer from short flashes of the original colors being shown. This mode causes visible artifacts on some devices, though it isn't common.
Drivers: KCAL
The KCAL driver is quickly becoming a popular kernel mod for Qualcomm devices. It allows color adjustments in the display hardware itself. There is no performance difference with this driver, but of course your kernel must support it. This is the fastest driver.
Drivers: rootless
The rootless fallback driver (for non-root users) uses a color overlay. This is an additional surface, causes at least one additional expensive full-screen rendering step, and is likely to throw your system into software compositing mode most of the time. This is the slowest (and ugliest) driver.
Drivers: CF.lumen
The CF.lumen driver requires software compositing, as it changes the colors displayed during the software compositing step. Of course, it lets the system go back to hardware compositing if it's not actively changing colors. This can slightly impact performance. This driver changes colors on the surface content level, and can perform all sorts of calculus before deciding what to display. This usually gives it the highest possible image quality output.
More info here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=51779367#post51779367
I think this is the closest or the best we can get to changing the ICC profile of android phones.
ensete, since ICC and color profile has positive impact on your eye strain, you might want to give the app a try.
You can download the app here: