bkdo Blue tint and FL-41 didn't help. Avulux are probably the only glasses I would buy out of what I tested, but more to mitigate very bright overhead lighting than device-induced eyestrain.

I haven't checked CBD oil (yet). Maybe you can give it a go if it's available in your country.

squidward_eyes_93 3. adding prisms in my glasses.

What kind of prisms and for what condition, if you don't mind me asking? Do you use prismatic lenses all the time, including for reading on paper?

Will definitely drop line about the display thing! Thanks!


    Hello! 🙂 I use prism for my convergence insufficiency which most definitely contributed to my eye strain; though I don't think it's the only reason. I suspect that the LED light itself is also messing up some parts of my eyes, causing nausea. I also have an autoimmune problem that may have make my eye muscles more prone to fatigue and dry eyes probably. I use prisms for reading and paper as well, because I only use one pair of glasses. I'm not familiar with the benefits of having multiple pairs of glasses, but perhaps that is also another strategy. My eyes already have a hard time adapting to new prescriptions, so i am guessing sticking to one pair of glasses is probably more right for me. I am noticed lots of improvement with my eyes recently after switching almost completely to reflective screens. I suspect it's because the reflective screens shield my eyes from harmful LED rays, finally giving them some time to bounce back. (I suspect this is why prism glasses didn't help me because my eye conditions were severe initially, so I couldn't feel the improvement from prism alone, but as my eyes improve through other means, the prism glasses later did seem to help, because I was less sick)I'm not cured yet but much better. Still have a long way to go, especially because my eyes can change so much in a short spam of time, so I need to keep checking my prescriptions otherwise the prism glasses actually make me feel dizzy because they may not be the right fit as my eyes change. 🙂 thank you so much for your interest. And thank you so much for sharing your story. Vision therapy is also on the horizon hopefully.

    • AGI replied to this.
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      squidward_eyes_93 You should definitely give vision therapy a go. You may get rid of the prisms. See an orthoptist or a behavioral optometrist 🙂 Finding a fix for your eyestrain may not be straightforward, though. As you said, heterophoria may not be the only cause of our problems.

        AGI ok! thank you so much! 🙂 ya I think I need someone to give me a little gentle push and encouragement to sign up for vision therapy, and feel optimistic about it. I definitely feel so much more energized to take on this challenge...In fact I might call the office today lol ya definitely not straightforward…I used to cry about it, but lately things are on an upward trend; though with setbacks as well. glad I could share this with someone who understands. means a world to me.

        • AGI replied to this.
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          squidward_eyes_93 Vision therapy requires only a few minutes per day. I do it a few minutes every day multiple times per day. It helps releasing some of the strain. Worst case scenario it won't (completely) fix your problems, but will make your eye muscles more balanced.

          squidward_eyes_93 I used to cry about it

          I understand you. Best to fight back and stay positive. Getting depressed does not help.


            What kind of exercises were/are you doing? Are there any materials online?

            • AGI replied to this.

              karut Please see here for example. If you are not familiar with vision therapy and do not know what condition you have, you need to get advice from a professional, though. My exercises may not be adequate for your condition.

                a month later
                14 days later

                AGI Thank you so much AGI! I think you helped me try again. I have been falling off of my at home vision therapy routine lately lol

                AGI I have vision therapy exercises where I make myself go crosseyed until two images become three. Is that enough?

                20 days later

                My opinion is to change all the light fixtures in your house in places you commonly stay in to be PWM-free, and also change jobs to be in an environment with no PWM.

                This is what I've done and I basically avoid places with PWM lighting and it's worked out okay for me. My devices include iPhone 8 on iOS 14.5.1. iPhone XR on iOS 16.2. Asus PG248Q on windows 7 still. They are all okay. As for the lighting I use in my home, I posted about that in another thread regarding flicker-free lighting: https://ledstrain.org/d/1176-flicker-free-led-lightning-its-the-most-important-thing-which-one-to-buy/55
