ryans Do these flicker if you take a slow motion video? If so that could be making your situation much worse. A couple of minutes under these and my eyes are burnt out.
They do. It's awful, and it seems like every store and building out there uses these horrible flickering lights.
ryans I haven't tried it, but Dr. Barry Tannen writes about success with a tint called Omega here and fluorescent lights.
Thanks for the recommendation, I went ahead and ordered the Omega tinted clip-ons. I'll report back how they work.
ryans Some neurologists recommend these supplements for migraines.
I've been taking Magnesium, no luck yet though. Has anyone seen benefits with the supplements?
Yeah, I have pretty severe misalignments. I recently had an extensive exam with a Debby Feinberg trained BVD specialist and got new prism lenses, but I never really noticed any solid improvements with them. Also, they just seem to hurt my eyes now. Going back soon to be re-examined, hopefully with better results.
I'm not 100% sure, but I know that PWM flicker + flickering lights destroy my eyes, so it's at least a part of the problem. I don't know for sure why non-PWM screens like the iPhone 11 or MacBook Air hurt so much though.
That's actually how I discovered my BVD problem - I patched my right eye and noticed improvements in flicker tolerance. It didn't solve the problem by any means though, so it's not sustainable for me unfortunately.
Which eye care monitor in specific has worked for you? And the frustrating thing is that even if I find a truly flicker free monitor, it seems that the device I plug in still has its own flicker (My MacBook Air, for example).
Are you able to use macOS or windows on the Onyx Boox Mira?
It seems that way. But I've also had devices that worked fine suddenly become unusable with software updates, so that's also a component, unfortunately.
Weird, I guess it must have been a coincidence. I'll reach out and see if he's found anything else related to iOS.