To be honest with you, I am coming closer and closer to agreeing with you too.
For me, after witnessing the strain from the 970 only 2 other theories remain:
1- The newer Nvidia drivers are making the cards dither. I will be able to tell this in a few days, if the 1030 strains me too with this new driver.
2- As I said in the previous post, maybe once you experience a very low PWM or really bad dithering or maybe by simply becoming too aware of their presence your brain can no longer unsee them, and it starts to focus on them no matter what, causing you unbearable strain. If this is true, it is pretty scary and could mean it might be irreversible.
If these two theories of mine get thrown out of the window, honestly, only your explanation could be true.
I have to admit, since the pandemic, I barely go out of the house ever. So it could not only be the fact that we have come to age and our brains are struggling to adapt, but it could be that too much focus on the screen and being in a small room for so long with the same life day after day has intensified my focus on these screens.
Since as long as I remember, I got pretty bad eye-aches and headaches from bad screens. If my friends came over to play Fifa after 2 or 3 days of playing, I would get such massive eye strain and headaches that I would have to go in the room and tie my head up and sleep for a few hours to be able to play again. But that eye-ache and headache never came with burning and dull eyes, nauseous feelings, such horrible depression. So there is definitely something wrong with these devices, and we definitely aren't just crazy.
I, too, have been trying to adapt myself with my Note 5 specially by trying to differ my focus from locking on the screen, I also try to go out of the house into our front yard and have my gaze on farther distances, do more exercises and have been trying to get out of my room, head and the screens in front of me more often in hopes of being able to adapt again.
There's literally not a single new device that not making use of these techs. Our options are getting thinner and thinner.
I'm gonna have my mom also try and contact a doctor in our capital city and see if maybe he can come up with any better explanations. The doctors here have literally never even heard about such things. It's like alien language to them. I'm wondering if it could have anything to do with having high blood pressure.