moonpie Who do you think is going to effectively and reliably fund all of the peer-reviewed research in the conventional medical industry about the pervasive harm of LED lights when LEDs are absolutely everywhere and are entangled in governmental contracts to be inserted all over cities and infrastructure in America and beyond? Do you really believe this research would even catch on when the LED production companies have a monopoly on the lighting industry? It would take much more than the truth presented as peer reviewed information to make the NHS collapse -- governmental entities are protected by the vested interests of those who care only about power and profit.
Furthermore, the problem is complicated. Much of this evidence about the harm of LED lights is also collected and relied upon by anecdotal evidence and case studies, which doesn't invalidate the truth behind them in the slightest. Those who suffer from symptoms caused by LED's and other harsh lighting don't often associate their symptoms with the lighting, either, making it even more nebulous to effectively track. But there is plenty of scientific evidence you can easily Google yourself that demonstrates very clearly that artificial blue light by LED's is absolutely atrocious on the human circadian rhythm and on the human retina/eyeball, including from a litany of medical doctors (those who are not conventionally in the mainstream, moreso). LED's were never designed for our health, ever, period, but for conservation of money and energy. While conserving energy is laudable, the health effects are unacceptable. Health issues have an insidious and often invisible correlation from continual and chronic exposure to LED's and other harsh artificial lights.
We don't need all of the scientific peer-reviewed research demonstrating that LED's are harmful to the human anatomy because it's simply factually true whether the research is funded and supported or not. I can empathize that very few may want to take the risk of collecting this data and thrusting it provocatively into the public eye in some clarion call for change without facing the stigma and fear of repercussions.
The amount of gaslighting and invalidation that the medical/conventional lighting industry does to convince people that the sickness they're feeling is NOT related to these awfully designed products in total disregard for the human anatomy is incalculable, but strategic, to preserve their profits, power, and the status quo. I'm not sure why you seem to want to implicitly support and perpetuate this harmful narrative on a forum such as LEDstrain by suggesting that only peer reviewed research on the harmful effects of LED lighting is a valid method of establishing its factuality and truth. Not only is this not true, but when corruption, profit, and greed are involved, it is most definitely not relevant, either.