• Lighting
  • Awful LED lights everywhere in USA...and upcoming incandescent ban!

Take a cheap am radio, tune it to 1710 hz or similar frequency, and place it next or as close as possible to LED flashlight. Listen to any changes in the sound or static from the radio. Most likely you will hear the interference from the led electronics. Then try this test again with an incandescent flashlight. You should not hear any changes in the sound.

beyondthelight So its definitely not about the money in my humble opinion

It was driven by the money. All US lighting manufacturers make more money selling LED lamps than incandescent ones.

all led chips come from China

Yes, they are manufactured in Chins for pennies. Then American lighting companies package them, market them, and charge you 1000x more than they cost to make, because they are selling people the lie they are eco friendly and will last 20 years and if you buy LED lighting you are a good person. It's all a scam to enrich them at consumers expense.

why ban incandescent bulbs even homes are generating their own electricity?

The problem for them was that on an open market LED's cannot compete with incandescent, so they have to pressure the government to ban them. It's crony capitalism, pure and simple.

Human beings evolved in a black body radiation environment, aka sunlight. Incandescent lighting is black body radiation lighting. Everything about our visual sense, our eyes, our optic nerves, our brains, everything evolved over millions and millions of years to work with sunlight. That is why incandescent lighting will ALWAYS be far more tolerated and healthy than LED's or fluorescent lighting. We were literally made that way

    ensete incandescent lighting will ALWAYS be far more tolerated and healthy than LED's or fluorescent lighting

    Fluorescent white light that comes from led's and cfl's come from phosphor molecules that absorb a high frequency photoluminescent light energy beam that subsequently emit photons with less energy. While photoincandescent black body light comes from the other end, from a low frequency energy source that subsequently emit wavelengths with more and more energy.

    ensete hey have to pressure the government to ban them. It's crony capitalism, pure and simple.

    That's your opinion and its valid in its own way


      beyondthelight A friend of mine makes them, i'm just helping reach a wider audience, i guess if you want to know all those details you should buy one and find out, he has spent many years solving all those problems and perfecting the solution, the least you can do is acknowledge his work and talent by buying one and finding out. Or you can try to make your own, and maybe solve those problems in a different manner and then sharing us your findings.

      Your loyalty to your friend is understandable, and obviously the sharing of information is voluntary (although that is much of what we do here). Furthermore, hard work and ingenuity deserve fair compensation, and I could see myself ultimately ordering one of these. However, as others have pointed out, there are risk factors involved in this (not insubstantial) amount of money, sent via Bitcoin to a foreign country to some individual running an apparent solo operation, with little or no access to independent product reviews as well as many other unknowns. So, with respect, I disagree that “the least I can do” is to simply place an order before thoroughly researching the product and weighing the possible benefits against the known risks.


        It is a group, albeit a small one, and yes sending money to a foreign country via bitcoin in exchange for a product that uses a solution that is so new (yet so old as well) but has little or no review is thrilling to say the least. But its something that just came to fruition after many years of research, and you can either get one now, later, or try to make your own as well!

        photon78s Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end. -Henry David Thoreau


        4 months later

        If anything led light should be banned, and we live in a free world were everybody is entitled to choose the kind of light we want see, just like the food we want to eat, but some people only want to have things their way and want others do their bidding as well. It should be openly discussed the health and ecological repercussions of led light but led light can also exist if people want that light. We live in an era of electric energy abundance no doubt about that, there is no electric energy scarcity at all, https://www.wivb.com/news/report-al-gores-home-uses-34-times-as-much-energy-as-average-home/

        The era of incandescent bulbs is returning because the golden light from incandescence can never be replaced by luminescence, and people are entitled to choose their light, no matter the logic they try to persuade you with.


        The future is incandescent and whoever develops nanophotonic incandescent bulbs has certainly a share of that future

          If you know how to read you would have read that I never said that, I said:

          beyondthelight If anything led light should be banned… but led light can also exist if people want that light.

          The good news is that warm incandescent light is gaining new traction. People are increasingly unhappy with sterile, white/blue LED light. While I don't think the change will be immediate, I do see a large number of Edison bulbs being sold, and virtually all LED's are now switching to "warm" spectrums. Kindle and other light-emitting screen manufacturers are advertising "zero blue light" in their frontlights and even backlights. We'll get there. It turns out that once exposure is wide enough, we find out what the UK already did - that about 5% of the population gets physically ill from even moderate LED exposure, and the number only goes up when the exposure is constant.

            Curiously, Japan does use 4000-5000K. This appears to make sense because they also generally use a larger quantity of light as well.

            This has been studied including for galleries. The fewer light sources/dimmer an environment is, the more warm a light source should be. If there are many light sources and it is bright, then whiter (higher K) is better.

            Gurm The good news is that warm incandescent light is gaining new traction. People are increasingly unhappy with sterile, white/blue LED light.

            Yes, its also our religious right and duty to choose our own light

            The purple is so bad. I've seen a few of those. Not bad as in ohh it hurts us, bad as in it sucks. It's not a pretty shade of royal purple or anything like that.. it just looks wrong.

            Colour of street lighting and how much of it there should be is a contentious issue.

            Cops like white lights, and politicians like whatever is the cheapest. Civilians somewhat prefer amber, and directed down at the ground not their house windows.

            Where I am, the business improvement district committee or whatever they're called, decided to wrap white LED ribbons around the streetlight poles.. but they hooked them up directly to the streetlight power source (AC flicker) and didn't put a diffuser over them (raw led).. so it looks.. cheap and tacky.. my mother was here the other month and I commented on them to her, and she thought they did look tacky. This isn't a Christmas thing. They are there all year and are on even during the daytime.

            I haven't seen ANY outdoor LED lighting that is <4000K/dark sky. The only location I'm aware of in Canada is in Quebec where they're using amber ones because there's an observatory nearby.
