• HardwareLaptop
  • I'm testing as many MacBooks as possible. Here are the results.

I've tried MacBook Air M2 15", but couldn't use it due to strain (for me around 8/10). I returned it soon after purchasing it.

Several months after that there was a chance to try out a MacBook Pro 14" M2 Pro at work and I was pleasantly surprised by how tolerable its screen was. It's not 0/10, but it's about 1-2/10 for me.

I actually got the same model for my personal use, because it was noticeably easier on the eyes than my old 2018 13" MBP (which I was using mainly with an external monitor). Interestingly, after turning on the new laptop I got worried because I felt more eye strain than with the work model even when I had both laptops side by side. Fortunately, the strain from the personal laptop subsided (my eyes adapted?) and they now feel identical to me. This might be evidence that even identical models aren't always truly identical (I've seen this already mentioned in the forum by someone).

    rpozarickij I've wondered about this. I think that within the same laptop model they can use different panels (or even different batches of the same panel) that have some variance. And also, there are different configurations of the CPU/GPU combo within a product lineup. On the surface it doesn't seem like it would make a difference, but maybe somehow it does.

    MAS-76 MBP 15'' 2019 has two graphics cards. Depending of what graphic card you use, choose the option (I would suggest to permanently switch on the Radeon card):

    1. To disable the default Intel graphics card, enter the recovery mode, open the terminal app and then enter the command nvram boot-args="dither=0". Reboot your laptop. To verify the dithering is disabled, enter the command log show --predicate "processID == 0" | grep Dither

      Expected result is the string

      Default     0x0                  0      0    kernel: (AppleIntelICLLPGraphicsFramebuffer) [IGFB][LOG  ][MODESET   ] Dither is disabled in pipe misc

      in the log.

    2. To disable the Radeon card you have to install the kernel extension. Download it from here https://filebin.net/0wf82zq95cn01kx2, double click the dmg file (it will be mounted). Open the terminal app and run the command sudo cp -r /Volumes/AHKinject_SCN078/ahkinject.kext /Library/Extensions

      The cp command will ask the password, enter it. The pop up window should appear to confirm loading of the kernel extension. Please, confirm it. Reboot the laptop.

      To verify the extension was loaded, enter the kextstat | grep ahkinject

      The expected output

      176    0 0xffffff7f9720e000 0xff6      0xff6      com.amulethotkey.driver.ahkinject (1.1.1d1) C89AB321-97E6-3C86-ACBA-6498B6DCC100 <6 3>

      jordan If you have the Intel MBP, please read my previous message.

      ryans No. Since last time I didn't look for the solution for the Apple Silicon.

      Probably, this is because I don't have motivation to do it as I use the Intel MBP.

      Sorry for that.


      I just wanted to just say thank you so much for sharing your findings. I know it takes a lot of time to test and report back with such great detail. This is extremely helpful. I can’t figure out what is going on with me, but it is nice to know that I’m not alone in this.

      rpozarickij I am so glad you said that! My company found one identical to my personal (which works great but I am not supposed to use) after two failed attempts with new models - pro and air. The only difference between the laptop they sent me vs my personal is that it is running Sonoma. My personal is on Ventura. I have them side-by-side and there is a difference. I talked to Apple Store in Denver and they said that the OS shouldn’t matter, and that I was the only one that has reported any vision issues at all to them. They weren’t denying I had issues, I don’t mean to suggest that, but they were confused as well. They suggested I see an optometrist. I did that, and no issues. I thought I was going insane over here.

      NewDwarf Wonderful!! I've actually run across that kernel and wasn't able to install before. I'm going to get my 2019 MBP back and try the above exactly as you write.

      Question (sorry if this is obvious) - I though the MBP 15'' 2019 used both graphics cards, switching automatically as needed. Do I need to "disable" the Intel card entirely as I think you're recommending (and if so how?) or follow steps 1 and 2 above, that will disable the dithering on both cards, and I should be good to go?

      Thanks again. If this can work you're a life-saver!!

        MAS-76 The graphics cards are controlled by the commands

        // Always use the integrated graphics card
        sudo pmset -a gpuswitch 0

        // Always use the discrete graphics card
        sudo pmset -a gpuswitch 1

        // Automatically switch between discrete and integrated graphics card (this is your laptop's default setting)
        sudo pmset -a gpuswitch 2

        From my experience, the best option for my eyes is sudo pmset -a gpuswitch 1

        You can verify that the Radeon card is the primary card by Apple logo -> About this Mac

        You should see something like:

        BTW, you can apply both options to have dithering to be disabled permanently for both graphics cards.

        Thankyou NewDwarf!!! can't wait to try this

        I have two Vega 20 15" 2019 MBP identical as far as I can tell, one gives me symptoms, one is fine,

        The one that is fine has never been past Catalina 10.15.6 and I won't update it for fear the update to the firmware will give symptoms.

        The one that gives me symptoms I bought refurbished so although it's on the same OS it has much later firmware.

        I really hope what you've detailed above is the answer for me.

        massively appreciate the detailed explanation, I'll try this tomorrow afternoon.

        Btw for the discrete graphics are the instructions to be done whilst in recovery mode?

          @GBowler great, please let us know if it works for you!!

          @NewDwarf second GBowler's question if the discrete graphics fix should be done in recovery mode

          And lastly, this should work on an Intel MBP 2019 16" with Intel UHD Graphics 630 and Radeon Pro 5600M (8GB) too, correct? Hopefully?!!

            GBowler The kernel extension to disable dithering on the Radeon graphics card is installed in normal mode.

              MAS-76 the solution will work for all Intel graphics cards. But I am not sure it will work on the Radeon card on MBP 16” 2019.

              Anyway, please check.

              Here's the output

              175    0 0xffffff7f848c7000 0x2000     0x2000     com.amulethotkey.driver.ahkinject (1.1.1d1) C89AB321-97E6-3C86-ACBA-6498B6DCC100 <5 3>

              I didn't get a pop up, but after restarting the security preferences popped up and asked if Amulet Hotkey can make changes

              I'm not sure if this has worked, seems to have all loaded correctly? but the computer still feels symptomatic.

                GBowler What graphics card is currently used? Did you choose the Radeon card as a default graphics card?

                  does the readout look like it's been successful do you think? really appreciate your help

                  GBowler Could you share the screenshot of Apple logo -> About this Mac?
