- Edited
Home PC: Dell U2410 monitor, Windows 7 O/S, custom-built machine. Can use with minimal issues for 8-12 hours a day***
Work PC: Dell U2410 monitor, Windows 7 O/S, Optiplex 9010. Can use with minimal issues for 8-12 hours a day***
*** (as long as I follow the 20/20/20 rule and don't overdo it, or I'll get strained eyes and/or a headache)
Cellphone: iPhone 6S+ with lowest brightness and Night Shift on constantly. Can use for the few minutes a day I need to. Only long reading sessions will cause issues.
List of Intolerable LED monitors
-- Dell P1913
-- Dell U2413
-- Dell U2713H
(This is what my colleagues at work seem to use. The monitor list above will cause an immediate ache in the back of my eyeballs and a sharp pain deep in my head in < 1 minute of exposure...)