
I most likely had the same model LG 2k panel in my T480s which I no longer have and the reds where intense as well. Amazing discovery and solution. "Sharpening" or some better term to describe this should be added to the screen stressors hall of infamy. Reminds of this comment on a Viewsonic "10 bit" monitor:

Most of the color modes are great, but the "Photographer" setting has a ridiculous amount of sharpening added and in my opinion is not useable.

I had a workable mac (M1 air hooked up to 27inch Cinema display, laptop shut) Worked well with Stillcolor until I installed a web development app that somehow changed something and I then got eye strain.

I've since discovered that the app had flipped it to 10bit color mode. On the original setup I must've choose 8bit when I was mucking around with Better display and not realised how important it was in my circumstances.

So yeah my workable settings are StillColor running and Better display color mode set to 8bit, oh and I have font smoothing turned off via terminal command too. If I get strain again I will now know to click 8bit again.

    Did anyone find a way to change ioreg properties in dictionaries? This one seems interesting.

    thorpee I previously followed your post in another thread where you had an iMac that was normally comfortable but you found you had to reinstall the OS after certain apps triggered eye strain. In retrospect, do you think it may have been a similar issue to this?

      waydabber Better Display is great! Thank you (and everyone on this forum who is helping make progress in this space). I used to create a virtual display, which eased my symptoms but still gave me some strain after a bit. The option to disable dithering I think helps, but the image adjustment makes the biggest difference. I mean the one with the bar chart icon that flattens the colours slightly (sorry, I can't see what it's called). Setting that to 35 means I can use the display for hours without issues and without creating a virtual display. Probably a stupid question, but there's no way of replicating any of this on iOS, is there? Thanks again for Better Display. It's brilliant!

        FNP7 could you share which devices you are using with better display ?

        • FNP7 replied to this.

          FNP7 Which setting from the top of the Image Adjustments menu. Thanks.

            Rikl Quantization. Color table modificatioins needs to be enabled for it to work.

            • Rikl replied to this.

              async Which slider - icon - position? The latest BD has only icons on the sliders not labels. Thanks.

              Nevermind - got it.

                Rikl In case helpful to anyone else, here are the settings I'm using

                  FNP7 What is that bar chart icon measure ? And can it be done over the terminal, as I just do not want to pay for yet another app claiming miracles?

                    Rikl You can turn on labels in the settings somewhere. It helps a lot.

                    • Rikl replied to this.

                      Did anyone ever see a working solution for overlay shaders on Mac? I know there are a ton that work inside games, and ofc lots of them on windows. BetterTouchTool can do color shifts with Metal overlay, but I have no idea how well Metal would be for more advanced use cases.

                      If someone knows a rough direction that probably will work for overlaying a texture on everything that is white or similar do tell. I can ofc do some sort of screen capture in Electron and just use overlay effects, but it will probably kill whatever CPU you have.

                      Experimenting a bit with adjustments that makes horrible migraine inducing patterns like this one stop blinking. I think I've found some things that work.

                        async Top of the menu settings. Doh. Thanks for that.

                        Donux It's the numder of colors. 0-255 to the left. Unlimited default. It's available in the trial version. Give it a go.


                        Possibly. I may have spoke to soon. Today i installed premiere which comes with Adobe media encoder. It seems to have flipped a switch again. And toggling 8bit does not help. I'll try reinstalling the OS when I have time. I think something changes on an OS level. My work supplied intel imac pro is unusable now as it upgraded the firmware
