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Thank you for the new release!
By the way guys, I've tried Uniformity2d=false on MBA m2 15' and still not sure about it. It removes vignetting effect and makes white colors like "true white", but makes my eyes harder to focus, especially when I read text. Need more testing for sure.
What is you experience?
Need to say, that with just Disable Dithering my MBA M2 15 is the only usable Macbook to date.
I also noticed that changing any setting related to GPU (especially not default MacOS settings) , such as Reduced Motion, Reduced Transparency, Display Contrast or even enabling/disabling "Scroll & Zoom" settings in trackpad options (smart zoom, rotation, zoom in or out) somehow influence on text clarity and eye fatigue for me. So I am use to my current settings and just afraid to change something I didn't face such problems with Windows, as I remember.