Below is my post from another thread that meets this topic
Sure, there are some software "algorithms for image improvement" made by Apple that affect image quality - like dithering.
Basic goal is to rate all Macbooks' displays by hardware. Especially for IPS MBA 15'' M3's built-in displays.
For example. We have 3 suppliers (vendors). And in terms of quality. With the same software algorithms ON - one of the displays supplier (vendor) is better then another… Would be great to define which one is better and then to have fast-check Terminal command to define which supplier (vendor) is in each specific MBA 15'' M3 specimen …
If hardware quality of those vendors is very similar and image is practically similar this would be also a good result.
Is there only one vendor or several? If several 2, 3 or more then:
IPS MBA 15'' M3 vendors rating
1st place. Best - Vendor's name 1 - vendor's code 1 in Terminal ioreg etc - reason why it is the best one
2nd place. W - Vendor's name 2 - vendor's code 2 in Terminal ioreg etc - reason why it is in the middle
3rd place. Worst - reason why it is in the worst one
I've started this research because I am not satisfied with IPS display that my new MBA 15'' M3 has.
Even if
- dithering is OFF
- RGB standard profile is ON in system settings
Because my new MBA 15'' M3 has
- brightness flickering when pressing F1-F2, it is not changing smoothly
- linear gradients are not smooth, there are some linear effect appears randomly
- black text on white background seems too annoying too much "contrast". It is visible also when system loading and you see white Apple logo on black screen. Same effect
Comparing to my MBP 15'' 2014 where
- brightness changes smoothly and
- gradients also very smooth and stable
- black text on a white screen is comfortable to read, no "overcontrast". Same in Apple's logo while system loading
So if there is some MBA 15'' M3 with the Best built-in display from vendor (rated as 1st place). The one that has
- smooth brightness changing F1-F2 and
- gradients also very smooth and stable
That would be great to find this "version" of MBA 15'' M3 with better one display supplier