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Rikl After your praise of the M2MBTB, I was on the verge of trying one. Now, I don't need to. The M1MBA is usable for me.
Great to hear!
I'm going with the m1air too because the colors and brightness just feels so "normal" on it. With Stillcolor it feels like a good old Intel Mac! (AKA: not "perfect" but very usable, no "heavy" feeling, no intense glare and no headaches!)
The screen feels much more paperlike than the "M2 TB with FMX panel" which is just too glossy like "wet ink".
(I'm pretty sure the "M2 TB with 00000000 panel" was much more comfortable than the FMX one, but both of them have much too deep black levels IMO.)
m1air PWM is fine to be honest
At this point, m1air is the way I'm going, because the PWM issue is honestly fine for me even though it looks bad on camera — I'm actually liking using it more at lower brightness than higher, so I guess PWM with "this low of a flicker depth" doesn't impact me.
As I was saying, I've had totally usable laptops with the same "PWM on grays" issue, so I can 100% get used to it.
The Windows laptop I swear by and always rely on literally has even more intense PWM on grays shockingly! (But no detectable flicker on whites)
Temporal dithering is the real culprit for me (and strobe-like PWM slower than ~10khz, but none of these have that level of PWM even on low brightness LOL)
If I wanted a truly "perfect" screen — let's face it, really the only place where you can even possibly be able to get that is in a Windows laptop. There's just not enough options within what Apple makes. But m1air is "good enough"!
m1air compared to m2/m3air
Thankfully this rules out the PWM "brightness dips" as the reason why I didn't like the m2/m3air, considering the m1air "has the issue too" but is way better on my eyes!
m2air felt really disorienting to use, but m1air doesn't feel like that.
The biggest difference between m2air and m1air then… is that m2air is marketed as "billions of colors", has the rounded corners which probably implies a whole different backlight arrangement, and has that extra color calibration weirdness with uniformity2D "intentionally" adding "blotches and uneven spots".
On the other hand, m1air (and M2 TB) are both marketed as only "millions of colors".
That leads me to believe the reason why I was having more strain with m2air is probably due to some kind of "10-bit emulation" or additional FRC that the m1air doesn't have.
(I remember feeling like I was seeing "RGB rainbow and reddish fringing" around sharp edges on the m2air, but I don't see that really at all on the M1.)
m1air compared to M2 TB
Two really interesting differences I spotted between m1air and M2 TB:
On m1air, there is a "scanlines" effect if you look really close at solid colors — each horizontal line alternates between slightly brighter and dimmer. I've also seen this before on the 2018 Intel Retina MBA.
On the M2 TB, this isn't visible and every pixel looks the same. But this has me wondering — does the TB look "better" here because it is adding some kind of additional flicker or pixel inversion to "hide" these scanlines that the Air doesn't?
Apple says both the m1air and M2 TB "support (fake) HDR" on the internal display, but there's something very different about the implementation on each. m1air definitely has "less" of it.
Use a Metal color adjustment on the M2 TB, and it won't apply to GPU-driven apps like Blender or games. The window of those apps will stay bright, and you can notice the rest of the desktop and backlight "all slightly adjusting" (and sometimes causing shifts in banding) whenever the "bright" window appears and disappears. The display is being driven in a way where it applies fake HDR (EDR) more often, implying some additional color management steps are applied on TB Pros.
However, on the m1air, Metal color adjustments will apply to all app windows, this "bright window" issue does not occur at all. EDR does not activate on any app, including games (and probably will only activate with actual HDR video playback)
I didn't test it, but I suspect the m2air is more like the Pros. m1air is probably the only Apple Silicon Mac that doesn't have this "enhanced" EDR that applies to the desktop environment.
Rikl Also, FontSmoothingAdjuster helps me too.
Yep, this is a must, even before I knew about temporal dithering etc. I've been disabling font smoothing on Macs for >7 years. The unsmoothed text has always been easier to read for me on any monitor, Retina or not.
(However, on Windows though I swear by default ClearType lol, I actually really like ClearType RGB smoothing)
Interesting, I wonder if this relates to the different panel ID in your m1air, or maybe we just have different sensitivities.
Black text on white backgrounds actually looks awesome on my m1air, they have the perfect brightness already
(I just turn the backlight down to 3~7 squares, which is actually helping because I seem to get no symptoms at all from <50% backlight on this laptop!)
In fact, black text on white looks even better on my m1air than it ever did on both M2 TBs I tested, since the text doesn't seem to "glow" much at all!
Given that black on white is what I'm looking at 90% of the time on a computer, the m1air "doing this right" in a very consistent way is what made me finally decide to keep the m1air after all lol
So I actually prefer white pages on my m1air over dark pages
(with generally default color settings, I'm only using a VERY slight, nearly unnoticeable Metal color adjustment because I feel like forcing it into Metal overlay mode makes it feel better TBH)
Rikl I'm nitpicking about the contrast/brightness.
Yeah m1air is 100% the right choice for you then, since M2 TB will just have even deeper black levels and brighter whites (…especially if a M2 TB ends up with one of the strainy "FMX" panels, the glare is SO bad on it).
I hope the m1air's "PWM-like dips in brightness on every frame" isn't an issue for you either, because my m1air is honestly a great and very comfortable panel (with Stillcolor) in all other ways outside of that issue!