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Many people here are suffering from flicker in various ways, and outside of this forum perhaps the most common symptom is to get headaches after a few hours of exposure. However, I noticed that when I'm exposed to triggering flicker (backlights, room lighting, ...) I get symptoms within just a few seconds. I further noticed that while the symptoms take a few seconds to kick in, the actual time necessary for them to be triggered can be very short. I am talking of a fraction of a second (the exact time I haven't experimentally measured yet).
So basically, for me it goes like this:
- I look at flicker for only a fraction of a second.
- The symptoms begin to kick in, which takes a few seconds. Weird feeling around the eyes -> eye strain -> headache (in this order).
- The symptoms persist for multiple hours, disappearing over time.
I am wondering if others have observed the same. Especially the very short time < 1 second that it takes to trigger the beginning of the symptoms.