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moonpie Dude literally every post you make a comment on is always arguing and saying stupid shit. Why join this forum ? You must be mega unhappy, you're negative 24/7. Don't speak about something that you have zero experience on. The spectrum view monitor has glass behind the LCD panel, there's also a diffuser sheet behind the glass as well. The bulbs are at the back of the box so they are not directly against the LCD at all. There's also intake and exhaust fans to the box. I am not one bit worried about it yellowing or degrading. It is well known that this light is VERY beneficial to our bodies. Did you know that UV stops myopia progression too btw? Go research light before you make ignorant claims and quit spreading libel. I'd like to see if you have the skills to create a very high quality monitor which I highly doubt you have. There are other people who have been using DIY incandescent monitors with the bulbs right up against their LCD panel with no issues as well. Go promote your low quality Luminescent light elsewhere, have fun with it crippling your health.
And to the ones wondering how it's working for me.. firstly I am very very sensitive to screens and have been in a flare up for months. I have to use my phone for business stuff which using my phone in general makes other devices feel bad. I will most likely get to testing this fully after Christmas when I can maintain a long screen fast prior. I don't want to give my remarks until I have accurately tested it which would be after being away from all screens. I will also post a video when I do as well. I meant to do all this over a month ago but family emergencies popped up. I will say I had my mother try it and she finds it VERY relaxing on her eyes. Not eye piercing one bit to her like certain led lit tvs are for example.
This product is real and is not a scam. There are people on other forums that have ordered it as well. There is a guy from the US on Twitter who posted a picture of his spectrum view too. https://x.com/anabology/status/1841501418357702821?t=qi_Y8i_MpFbujR5LY_5ycA&s=19
Edit: Also the amount of UV from an incandescent bulb is very low. If that was an issue then you would have heard about it causing damage to the insides of homes.
moonpie your talking down about a product that you don't even own or ever tried/tested.
Says who? There's glass and a white non transparent diffuser between the light box and the LCD.. not to mention the large gap between it all too. But it's okay to be staring into a LCD using led that has toxic levels of isolated blue light ? Or even high narrow red light? You make it sound like you know a lot about Lcds which if you did you would know that they wouldn't be able to function without a polarizer. This has a polarizer on the front of the LCD like every other panel. This isn't OLED where you can go without a polarizer. Hope this helps
This is precisely the spectrum of light you want hitting your eyes through a liquid crystal display for a very prolonged length of time.
moonpie is it the spectrum itself or the heat (i think the fans deal with this) that damage the lcd?
moonpie but why is the eazeye safe if I can use it with an incandescent light or (even worse, like they advertise) with sunlight as backlight?
Either way, for myself I'm looking foward to the hannspree ecovision 24"monitor (illuminated by the sun during the day and by my incandescent bulb at night)
moonpie All your doing is spewing fake info. I have many multi bulb chandeliers in my house. One of them holds 11 incandescent bulbs. Why hasn't it degraded anything in the house? They are incandescent bulbs NOT the sun. If they were that caustic you would hear all these stories about people with damaged eyes from those filament bulbs and fireplace/candle flame.
Also in reply to the eazeye spectrum that isn't a healthy spectrum. Your blasting yourself with a daytime signal whenever your using it. You're lacking the good light. LED will NEVER be as good as incandescence.
As I said before why are you on this forum? All you do is complain no matter what post it is. Is this the only way you get attention?