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  • Grounding to the earth: does this help you too?

qb74 Quantum mechanics would support daniels idea. But not sure if we are going into a deep end here 🙂 Otherwise I might open that wine bottle right now to smooth it out a bit to avoid brain overload 🙂

moonpie Well, don't be silly. Human body radiates heat and has weak EMF field around it. And we could go into various vibrations, frequencies that each object has. Interacting with these objects with result in some sort of vibrational equilibrium. Of we are reaching an edge of science here, but stating that this has no grounds is not true either. However coming back to eye strain issues, I think it is important to evaluate human experience as we evaluating technology and human interaction. This is not siloed technology issue, meaning solving let say pwm flicker on some devices, will not solve all problems for those who are experiencing eye strain, headache and related symptoms.

Eye strain of the type being talked about in this forum is an inflammatory reaction to, or a result of muscle tension from, certain types of light. Take away the flickering, pulsing light and images that appear still to the naked eye but are subliminally moving and voila; no more eye strain or related symptoms. Or perhaps somehow nullify the inflammatory response or muscle tension for the same result.
Given the increasing prevalence globally of such symptom triggering light for those susceptible to it the second of those solutions seems, to me at least, to be the one that should be focused on, if you’ll pardon the pun.

This blather about rocks and auras is mildly amusing, but such pseudoscientific nonsense has no place here.

wlmsn "I spent 8+ hours on the beach/ocean and was totally fine with dairy repeatedly, then spent none grounded and was in pain after one meal."

This is fascinating, thank you for sharing!

Donux "But the very first ever symptom I had was - feeling ungrounded. Walking bare foot on the sand near the beach - always helped."

Very interesting!

ensete I don't know what you mean by "positivist scientist worldview" but this is basic electrical knowledge. If you want to ACTUALLY ground yourself, you can touch the metal screw of a light switch cover. That screws into the yoke of the light switch which provides a path to ground. This is why you can get a shock touching alight switch on a cold dry day.

Different concept of grounding. The confusion is certainly understandable.

Thank you everyone for your replies. The tenor of many of them I had been expecting, and that's OK. I think an epistemological discussion, which would otherwise be interesting and fruitful, would lead us too far astray here. Though I've presented my speculation, my main interest at the moment is empirical, in the sort of direct experiences that wlmsn and Donux have shared, for example.

I understand that not everyone is going to want to try this, but for those with an open spirit of curiosity -- and for those with an awareness that no approaches explored in the over 10 (?) years of existence of his forum (many of whose members are very smart people) has shown any real promise -- would you like to give this a try and report your findings?

There is nothing to lose: the worst that could happen is that you might drop the rock onto your toe (for which possibility I entirely waive responsibility).

Even if my speculations and proposal might not seem "scientific" in the widely accepted sense, it would be wonderful to have a few more "data points."

I should mention once again that the size of the rock does seem to play a role, and that it should be sufficiently large (and held for a certain amount of time). And it seems to work best with both feet flat on the ground, whether sitting or standing.

Looking forward to hearing your experiences!

    daniels Thank you everyone for your replies. The tenor of many of them I had been expecting, and that's OK. I think an epistemological discussion, which would otherwise be interesting and fruitful, would lead us too far astray here. Though I've presented my speculation, my main interest at the moment is empirical, in the sort of direct experiences that wlmsn and Donux have shared, for example.

    The thing is though, it's not necessary after you find good screens

    As I mentioned ago, I do see some merit in the "holding an object" idea (but for a different reason, due to the more direct connection of touch affecting eye movement) when you're still stuck with a bad screen, since I did actually end up doing that when I was stuck with a terrible 14" MBP

    It's a workaround

    But once I found good screens, the screen simply works (and I can use it no matter how I'm feeling or what I'm doing)

    The fact you have to mess with sense of touch to "force" the screen to focus more often, points to a problem with the screen (since it's not providing an image that's consistently easy to focus)

    -- not really a problem with how you feel or what your energy is etc

    Honestly even EMF stuff sometimes discussed here, I don't believe that's the problem for majority of people here (AKA, I don't think it's the area most worth looking into for a solution)

    In that case I don't want to discount the fact that someone might actually have a problem with that which I don't experience, but for me, and IMO most on the forum, the screen is the main factor

    I have multiple wifi routers at my place, use many bluetooth devices daily, but if I'm using a safe screen like ePaper I feel amazing (despite still being in the exact same environment)

    It really just doesn't matter for me, everything hinges on the screen. The headaches/"unstable feeling" I only have when I'm looking at a bad screen

    7 days later

    Donux ensete Ensete, there is a place in that scientifically measure your Aura. I have learned a lot from one dude who is developing EMF protecting clothing in cooperation with universities. Apparently, EMF protecting clothing has unexpected negative consequence, it blocks EMFs from outside world, but it also blocks human body EMF too. We are one with our environment, and we are not some sort of walking vacuums. But to get into this mindset, one would really need to spend more time in nature and to understand how normal state fells like. So generally there is more than it meets the eye or whatever that saying is.

    I'm not talking about "Aura"s or EMF protective clothing (whatever that is). I am talking about the basic properties of electrical circuits. A rock does not provide a path to ground. If you don't believe me go get a multi meter, set it to DC volts, touch the positive probe to the positive end of a battery, and the negative probe to a rock. You won't get a reading because a rock is not a pathway to ground to complete a circuit. The rest of your mumbo jumbo is just new wave spiritual nonsense.
