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I posted this thread last week, which has generated a certain amount of discussion:
Yesterday it was censored: that is to say, it was moved to the “offtopic” area, which means that it no longer appears on the list of topics that come up on the LEDStrain main page. My guess is that the “offtopic” area serves to parry any charges of censorship, because the thread is not in fact deleted; but effectively, it is censorship, as the thread can no longer be seen and found.
As anyone who reads the original post can see, it is utterly “on topic”: that is, it presents a speculation about the possible cause of our problem as well as a possible solution (or at least a possibly fruitful basis for experimentation).
I expect that it was censored because this speculation and suggestion for experimentation fall outside the currently accepted scientific world view (“scientific” in the narrow sense, I would add personally). I fully understand that some people may be opposed to such an approach, and they are of course most welcome to voice their opposition. But I believe that censorship is a highly inappropriate action, for solutions may come from outside the commonly accepted way of thinking, and if we block a priori ideas that are, to use the modern expression, “outside the box,” we are closing ourselves to possible solutions.
I would mention again that I believe this forum has been in existence for over a decade, and that no truly promising approaches have been found thus far. In this context, and also in view of the suffering that we all experience in our lives due to this problem, excluding possibly “unconventional” ideas that might help is a very unwise approach.
I would also add that lines of thinking, experimentation, and experience that fall outside the currently predominant materialistic world view are really not unusual at all in our time, and by far not all people who think along these lines are fools.
I believe this forum should be a space for free discussion in which censorship has no place.