Thanks for interesting post. Found some interesting stuff. Let me post my info, maybe it could help someone to identify anything or to find my soulmate haha.
I'm sensitive to:
- Dithering (FRC, pixel-inversion, temporal dithering) I can't use any new Macs with apple silicon, w/ or w/o StillColor etc.
Not sensitive to:
- Lightbulb LED PWM
- Cars display PWM
- iPhone 11 Pro (i don't know why, this is my daily phone, i don't have any symptoms with it, all other iphone 11 pros I can't use)
- Just recently bought iPhone 16 PM (I can use it for around 3-4 hours per day while the sun is up with slight symptoms just a heavy back of the head, tossing it away when its dark outside)
- Macbook Pro 15 Intel 2018 with 555 AMD
My overall health variables are:
- IBS (hello not healthy gut)
- Low testosterone (I found out, that when you becoming a dad, its natural that dads testosterone can go down but later it should come back to normal level, but looks like not in my case)
- Anxiety/Depression (prob low serotonin)
- Having some overweight
- Probably photophobia, I didn't do the testing yet for it, but I can't walk outside without sun glasses, its just impossible.
What makes my symptoms worse:
- Lack of sleep (huge impact)
- Caffeine
- Noticed that Zyrtec (antihistamine) increases headaches if i'm using bad PWM display.
PS not sure about beer or some other alcohol
and how it affects me haha.