
This is all fascinating. Where is this diagram from?

I accidentally found that when I have my eyes dilated for an exam that I seem to be able to tolerate screens much better. This diagram seems at least somewhat connected to what is happening.


    How are you measuring your IOP so frequently? Do you have a device at home?

      I’ve noticed if my neck muscles are really relaxed I hardly have any of my normal issues with oled screens, I’ve been in 2 major car accidents one where I fractured 2 vertebrae in my neck so I always have neck pain and my muscles are always tense

      ocean10 no) My mother’s best friend - ophthalmologist )

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      Lauda89 I used 0.05 eyes drops the twice a day at the beginning and then onece a day


      What were/are your symptoms before you figured out this treatment? For me on OLED phones (and also LCD phones with later versions of iOS, what seems like any Windows 11 computer and late versions of Windows 10 etc.) I feel bad almost immediately (weird dizziness/nausea feeling, fullness in ear like it's clogged, body warmness, sometimes pain in shoulder and arm)

      Just curious because I know many people have varying symptoms here. Mine seem to be pretty severe in terms of how quickly they come on.


        1-10 min - severe eyes strain like I got sand in my eyes.

        10-30 min - slight dizziness, slight brain fog, blurry vision

          Zodios So, in your case the symptoms are 80% eyes 20% brain? Or something like that... In my case it is the opposite so the eye drops may not be working well. But anyway, as soon as I can buy it without a prescription I will let you know! 😉

            ocean10 I don't understand why the exact symptoms matter. The are always going to be different between individuals.

            Why not just start experimenting with the information presented here to see if it (at least somewhat) helps your specific symptoms. Take matters in your own hands 🙂

            Zodios The breakthrough came when I found this study:

            IOP reduction in a third of patients with OHT improved flicker sensitivity, however no improvement was observed in glaucoma patients

            Can you give a link for the study?

              There are many interesting things here and your case has filled me with hope for the future. I too have been investigating many of the conditions you mentioned and am still on the journey to finding the reason for my sensitivity to OLED screens.

              The IOP issue is interesting. In September, my ophthalmologist measured my eye pressure and it turned out that my pressure was about 21 mmHg, so in the upper limit.

              Unfortunately, in my country latanoprost is also only available by prescription. Maybe the physiotherapist I've signed up with will help.

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              When I consistently do exercises for my vagus nerve (like singing) my strain disappears.

              This information is golden! Thanks for sharing!

              What was your IOP before taking the drops? Just about to retest my eyes as my last test had an IOP of 18/19

                Zodios I agree, I always inspected my eyes in the mirror and it was clearly visible under high strain situation, eyes looked popped out with high preasure. But I believe its a chicken and egg situation. And I was about to share Today, that PSR (Panel Self Refresh) is ways more important cause then PWM or temporal dithering (Old and new laptops). Those folks in other posts who have shared how macbook flickers when image is playing in the background, and when it does not, and how this affect the flicker, are living proof of that. So, beyond tackling health side of things, I think it is really important to make sure at least devices are used/modified in order to cause least amendment of a natural healthy state. (Apart from obiously factors beyond technology, such as focus, posture, coffee overdose, overwork, etc.)

                  Lauda89 I totally disagree with this idea. I my opinion it is not correct to diversify "eyes" and "brain".
                  It is an interconnected system.
                  Bad input causes bad processing and then bad operation and a vicious cycle.

                  Donux So, beyond tackling health side of things, I think it is really important to make sure at least devices are used/modified in order to cause least amendment of a natural healthy state. (Apart from obiously factors beyond technology, such as focus, posture, coffee overdose, overwork, etc.)

                  This approach should be done by hardware and software manufacturers. It is impossible.
                  Software engineers always want get more from the same hardware that's how temporal dithering works - get more colors from the same cheap 8 bit panel by doing flickering by pixels.
