✌️ Cause of my Temporal Dithering LED eye strain and an effective treatment
What were/are your symptoms before you figured out this treatment? For me on OLED phones (and also LCD phones with later versions of iOS, what seems like any Windows 11 computer and late versions of Windows 10 etc.) I feel bad almost immediately (weird dizziness/nausea feeling, fullness in ear like it's clogged, body warmness, sometimes pain in shoulder and arm)
Just curious because I know many people have varying symptoms here. Mine seem to be pretty severe in terms of how quickly they come on.
Zodios The breakthrough came when I found this study:
IOP reduction in a third of patients with OHT improved flicker sensitivity, however no improvement was observed in glaucoma patients
Can you give a link for the study?
There are many interesting things here and your case has filled me with hope for the future. I too have been investigating many of the conditions you mentioned and am still on the journey to finding the reason for my sensitivity to OLED screens.
The IOP issue is interesting. In September, my ophthalmologist measured my eye pressure and it turned out that my pressure was about 21 mmHg, so in the upper limit.
Unfortunately, in my country latanoprost is also only available by prescription. Maybe the physiotherapist I've signed up with will help.
What was your IOP before taking the drops? Just about to retest my eyes as my last test had an IOP of 18/19
Zodios I agree, I always inspected my eyes in the mirror and it was clearly visible under high strain situation, eyes looked popped out with high preasure. But I believe its a chicken and egg situation. And I was about to share Today, that PSR (Panel Self Refresh) is ways more important cause then PWM or temporal dithering (Old and new laptops). Those folks in other posts who have shared how macbook flickers when image is playing in the background, and when it does not, and how this affect the flicker, are living proof of that. So, beyond tackling health side of things, I think it is really important to make sure at least devices are used/modified in order to cause least amendment of a natural healthy state. (Apart from obiously factors beyond technology, such as focus, posture, coffee overdose, overwork, etc.)
Donux So, beyond tackling health side of things, I think it is really important to make sure at least devices are used/modified in order to cause least amendment of a natural healthy state. (Apart from obiously factors beyond technology, such as focus, posture, coffee overdose, overwork, etc.)
This approach should be done by hardware and software manufacturers. It is impossible.
Software engineers always want get more from the same hardware that's how temporal dithering works - get more colors from the same cheap 8 bit panel by doing flickering by pixels.
Zodios We live not in ideal world, and windows laptops especially old models allow to do a lot of tickering. In fact there could be a checklist to do X, Y, Z. Also, there is a contract between consumer and manufacturer, so in this case, you need to look for clearly stated promises such as flicker free etc. Also, it comes down to a price I believe with some exceptions (clearly M3 Macbook Pro was a fail), but XPS or top of a range MSI, Asus etc, where some of them have flicker free certification, would be a good start at least. But to come back to a main point, I do not believe, if you would not solve external irritants it will solve your problems, even if you become budhism monk on a mountain with best eye drops in the world, and best posture, and best food/liquid intakes.
I do not believe, if you would not solve external irritants it will solve your problems, even if you become budhism monk on a mountain with best eye drops in the world, and best posture, and best food/liquid intakes.
It would be true for definitely harmful things like smoking...
The general population has zero issues with the devices and technologies discussed in this forum.
Zodios get more colors from the same cheap 8 bit panel by doing flickering by pixels
I still didn't found real 8-bit panel, having only pixel inversion flickering ( without additional smooth mechanisms like FRC or dithering ). The monitors I tested last summer, was declared as 8-bit, but I found FRC in it similar as nvidia 2x2 spatial dynamic model looks )
Thank you.
Also can you elaborate on your treatment plan? I already got Latanoprost drops. I guess if they help it's gonna be life long treatment like with real glaucoma. Or your want to try use it in courses?