Hey guys. I made a post on this site back in August 2024 about the eye strain issues I had been suffering since building a new PC in February last year. I basically went through 3 monitors and still couldn't enjoy my PC. See full thread here - https://ledstrain.org/d/2928-eye-strain-for-months-after-pc-upgrade

As stated in the thread, I suffered a severe bout of vertigo while using an MSI Quatum Dot IPS monitor that really messed me up for a long time. Even now I am getting residual effects from it. I also felt extreme eye strain from an LG-27GP850 "Fast IPS" panel. No vertigo from that one, but just a searing, burning and very uncomfortable feeling while using it. I ended up switching back to my old TN BenQ XL2411P and it was at least better than those. Although I'd still lose focus often while gaming on it. I even switched to an older GPU (1660 Super) from a 3060ti, but no change.

So, during those months I had been considering buying a new TV. I had been interested in OLED for years but never went for it. On Black Friday in late November, I ended up pulling the trigger on an 55 inch LG OLED C4. After a week or so of just watching TV on it I decided to connect my rig up to it. I also bought a new RTX 4070 Super GPU for my PC. Almost instantly I noticed how much better it was. Even with the modern RTX GPU, looking at this screen was just so easy on my eyes. I don't know what it was, but my best guess would be the change in panel type. Other things that changed - I now use HDMI instead of DP, play at 4K instead of 1080p, and play on a glossy screen instead of matte.

One thing I would suggest to anyone out there - avoid absolutely any monitor or screen that has Quatum Dot technology or "Fast IPS" in the specs, because it might cause issues. In my months of troubleshooting and research I noticed that Reddit is full of eye strain threads about QD technology.

So i can finally say that I am free of eye strain while using my PC. It was a massive relief for me and OLED has not disappointed either. I understand that everyone is different but if people are suffering with IPS/VA etc then try an OLED, and if possible, an OLED Television, because I think there is something different about their panels/internals that is way easier on the eyes.

Sorry for the super long thread. Best wishes to anyone out there still struggling with strain, I've been through it and it's a nightmare, but I am sure there is a solution for everyone. Good luck!

The most recent MacBook Pro has quantum dot display technology, and we were speculating whether this would be an improvement based on the spectrum graphs. I suppose it remains to be established whether this technology is generally good for us or not.


    For me personally it wasn't good. The display was a Quantum Dot IPS. Got the most bizarre and uncomfortable symptoms from it. And have also seen literally a ton of threads around the net about QD displays causing eye issues.
