Laptop suggestions?
Yeah 1709 has you hating life. That's the "creator's update". You're literally 2 years too new.
Gurm okay i might try out a dell xps 13. Is yours the 9350 or 9360?
Ive had 3 dells in my lifetime and all of them had quality build issues with overheating, poor build quality, driver issues, and never lastet longer than 3 years before having overheating problems. Ive never considered a dell since. How are the dell xps 13s ive reas a lot of bad stories with not being able to turn off the intel adaptive nrightness CABC or whatever its called, build issues and coil whine.
- Edited
I am strapped for time lately with personal stuff, but I'm HAPPY to write the petition if someone else can do a little legwork to find out who at MS to submit it to. Once I have some more time (late spring, early summer) I can even take lead on this initiative. If someone else wants to sign on here to run point temporarily, I'll totally do the tech write up. I would suggest that we file it as a bug. I do have the ability to open premier tickets through my work but that would unfortunately be misappropriation of work funds.
UPDATE: I have reached out to my corporate TAM (technical account manager) for advice on how to engage with MS on this issue. If this were a problem with users at my office, I'd be raising this with her and with the Premier support team who can directly interface with development leads if needed... but it's not a work issue so I've asked her how to proceed, hoping she can connect us with the right person/people there.
Gurm @JTL I got a reply from my TAM. She is sympathetic, and is reaching out to one of her counterparts in consumer support. It's not the same on the consumer side, which makes this more difficult. If this were a problem facing my organization, we'd have a bug fix a resolution or timeline for one within a few weeks, interfacing directly with top-tier technical resources who can talk to the developers. But I think she was impressed that we knew exactly what build caused the problems and what feature we believe to be the origin of the issue. So maybe we'll get some traction! Fingers crossed.
JTL @Gurm The "Choose Your GPU" option might offer some relief for Intel graphics people with dual graphics, although IIRC Intel graphics might still render the final output: