JTL Did anyone start a thread there or did we write them a petition? If not lets do it.

  • JTL replied to this.

    martin I think @Gurm would be the best suited to do such a thing, as he is the most technical person who has first hand expereince of this issue.

    I'd be willing to proofread any posts and/or letters before he sends them too.

    Gurm okay i might try out a dell xps 13. Is yours the 9350 or 9360?

    Ive had 3 dells in my lifetime and all of them had quality build issues with overheating, poor build quality, driver issues, and never lastet longer than 3 years before having overheating problems. Ive never considered a dell since. How are the dell xps 13s ive reas a lot of bad stories with not being able to turn off the intel adaptive nrightness CABC or whatever its called, build issues and coil whine.

    JTL can i install windows 7 on a new windows 10 machcine?

    • JTL replied to this.

      JTL ah right i think i remember reading about how skylake intel processors and newer will only work on windows 10 now.

      • JTL replied to this.

        Seefree My brother has an HP Zbook 15 G3 with an i7-6700HQ (I think) and it's possible though not trivial to install Windows 7.

        I wouldn't recomend it for you, he doesn't have "this issue" or anything similar to begin with.

        I am strapped for time lately with personal stuff, but I'm HAPPY to write the petition if someone else can do a little legwork to find out who at MS to submit it to. Once I have some more time (late spring, early summer) I can even take lead on this initiative. If someone else wants to sign on here to run point temporarily, I'll totally do the tech write up. I would suggest that we file it as a bug. I do have the ability to open premier tickets through my work but that would unfortunately be misappropriation of work funds.

        UPDATE: I have reached out to my corporate TAM (technical account manager) for advice on how to engage with MS on this issue. If this were a problem with users at my office, I'd be raising this with her and with the Premier support team who can directly interface with development leads if needed... but it's not a work issue so I've asked her how to proceed, hoping she can connect us with the right person/people there.

        • Gurm replied to this.
        • JTL likes this.

          Gurm @JTL I got a reply from my TAM. She is sympathetic, and is reaching out to one of her counterparts in consumer support. It's not the same on the consumer side, which makes this more difficult. If this were a problem facing my organization, we'd have a bug fix a resolution or timeline for one within a few weeks, interfacing directly with top-tier technical resources who can talk to the developers. But I think she was impressed that we knew exactly what build caused the problems and what feature we believe to be the origin of the issue. So maybe we'll get some traction! Fingers crossed.

            Gurm There's a new Windows 10 build called the "Spring Creators Update" coming out soon. I doubt it's going to solve this issue but it might be worth a quick test just in case to avoid wasting anyone's time.

              11 days later

              ryans IIRC Intel graphics might still render the final output

              I 100% doubt Windows 10 2018 update magically makes the screen take input from the dedicated GPU on an Optimus laptop, since it's a hardware limitation (screen is directly connected to Intel graphics). This is confirmed under Linux with reverse engineered driver as well.

              And does Windows 10 2018 update fix the eyestrain issues @Gurm was talking about?

              Seefree Very sorry to hear that. I am new to this forum and someone suggested e-ink solutions in another thread. I am strongly considering purchasing an ONYX BOOX Max 2 which has a 13.3" e-ink display and can be used as a standalone tablet and as a monitor. Probably with ghosting and other downsides but it may be worth exploring.

              Most guys really know about computers here, contrarily to me, so it may be nothing new to them but I just found out that two big companies, Eink and Sony, are working on the first e-ink laptop



              Hopefully we do not have to wait long.

              This is really new, dated April 16, 2018, and seems to confirm that Sony is still working on e-ink


              Seefree -Iphone 6 okay moderate symptoms
              -Ipod touch 6 gen same as iphone 6
              -Ipad mini 1 severe migraines
              -Iphone 8 plus severe anxiety and head pressure and blurry vision

              This is not really laptop-related but since you mentioned it and I am having now troubles also with smartphones I would like to comment.
              I read some people who are intolerant to IPhone X's AMOLED display downgraded to IPhone 8 without any symptom. I definitely cannot stand IPhone X, so I thought I would be fine with an IPhone 8 or 7. I tried one and the other for 20 minutes in a shop on separate days and had moderate eyestrain afterwards, IPhone 8 feeling more aggressive. Considering the extent of the investment I passed on both. Now, if I understand IPhone 8 and 7 are proved to be PWM-free, so what bothers me must be else or also else. Maybe dithering as you say?

              Seefree Im pretty sure my main problem is due to any form of dithering as i bet all apple products apple this to macOS and iOS.

              Gurm If you're facing this problem as a member of your organization while at work which has led to issues involving you avoiding builds that other people are on, is this not considered a work issue? Maybe you're just one guy that you know of, but it's undeniable that you have been affected..

              As a side note, my work has started rolling out some Thinkpad laptop to people with Win 10 on it. I'm going to try and stay on my HP with 7 as long as I can, they upgrade every 3 years and I'm already past 3 years but they also tend to forget to do the upgrades unless you ask for it. I hate 10 almost as much as I hate Office 365. Other than the fact that the screens have less vibrancy on the bigscreen wall displays, Windows 8.1 and 10 both use GREYSCALE font anti-aliasing. I do not understand why anyone finds this acceptable on a PC. I get it, it makes sense on a tablet or mobile because of changing angles, and so forth, but on a PC with a panel that is not 4K or 8K? No. That's garbage.

              10 days later
              12 days later

              AGI No one knows. I have some initial thoughts of the specifications I will post later.

              5 days later

              Seefree i just read the e readers use dithering too

              if your talking about the Dasung Paperlike and dithering, it's caused by the GPU output similar to the dithering sensitivity you are having with various devices. The Dasuing itself does no "moving image" dithering.
