Name for our condition and wikipedia page
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I think LED allergy or LED sensitivity sybdrome is a good name. I need this also to take political action. In my country, Czech Republic, the pirate party has significant minority in the parliament, they are all tech people and they could understand. I need t push this through them and to european parliament.
Also, we can start whatever page we want, research is not being done bcs noone even really knows abou this yet, so it needs to start somewhere.
This is a very good idea. It will bring more attention to this problem that so many of us are having.
I suggest we dont be too specific, as there are multiple causes of the issue. But I also understand the need to have LED somewhere in the name for legal purposes. Perhaps something like:
"LED and display technology eye strain and headaches".
The LED is for LED of course. Display technology is to cover all other display related, from PWM, OLED, graphics driver, dithering etc. The eye strain is self explanatory but we need to also put headache or migraines, in order to differentiate that this is not the normal "tired eyes" type of eye strain, but this is pain in the eyes and throbbing headaches and migraines etc, which we can describe in more details in the wiki page.
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Peter Good, I like that one too. Shall we start it on regular wikipedia? I can write up a draft and just put it there as a stub, then we can all keep adding info to it and making it more informative and better. I however never done any wikipedia editing, so if anyone has some experience maybe it would be better.
Sounds good, easy to spell and understand and it translates into other languages very well too.
Peter yes great name.
The guy from recommended Subliminal Flicker Sensitivity Syndrome. I sort of prefer that, because I have issues with CCFL and Plasma also
MagnuM I think LED is the catalyst to our problem. Alexander Wunsch says it causes immediate damage and I think people like us are affected more quickly then normal people. Shiva I believe you can make your eyes a little stronger. Do you have a lot of exposure to flickering lights and LED and CFL everyday?
jasonpicard Do you think after enough years of exposure, general everyday people are going to start having issues with macular degeneration after years of looking at LED displays? What if everyone else should be having the same pain that we do, as our eyes/brains/etc are telling us we shouldn't be looking at it!
There are a few reports from reliable sources (e.g. ANSE) that refer to the risk of macular degeneration after years of exposure to LEDs.
My ophthalmologist says that I may be lucky in the end, she believes that chronic use of LEDs destroy the eyes, especially in children. However she says that we do not have sufficient research data to prove this.
It seems people are the test animals in this case (LOL) !!!
MagnuM I think it's only really a problem for people like us. Alexander Wunsch said in Germany that eye issues like macular degeneration have increased since LED has been introduced to Germany. My wife has been using a computer everyday for 12 years then comes home and uses her phone all the time and she doesn't even wear glasses. So I don't think it will be a world wide problem. We will have to learn to cope like we already have.
jasonpicard Well maybe not in direct eye or retinal damage, but there's at least more support out there that too much blue light late at night disturbs important circadian rhythms.
However, even if most people do not SENSE a problem, we can now see that monitor companies have introduced flicker-free and low blue light displays, blue light reduction software is now integrated in most devices as an option, companies producing lenses to protect from blue light have escalated their marketing effort and more and more medical professional discuss of the negative impact of leds (especially for children).
I understand that there is some movement globally, otherwise why would companies take the effort and cost to do the above.
MagnuM I agree with that. We can for sure prove it causes people trouble sleeping at night.
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Learning to cope or not, wiki page or wikipedia page will be of help. Sometimes you just need to annoy certain people long enough to get attention and response. I am not giving up. I am also not gonna be subject to work inability only because some OS decided to update itself without my permission and all of a sudden causes me migraines.
So how about subliminal flicker sensitivity syndrome then? I can try starting it on regular wikipedia and see how that goes.
There also MUST be a way to tell exactly what went different inbetween different versions of intel drivers. The intel thread is growing more and more. It just needs more pressure.
martin What about using a lossless capture card with the display output (i.e on a desktop) to check for any flickering frame by frame?
@AgentX20 is referring to something else, but I still suspect it's an interaction between possibly his GPU and the flight simulator software.