AGI I see. Does temporal dithering require 3D capabilities?

I mean that for a normal 3d sight you need both of your eyes. If you have a convergence problem your eyes do not work together properly. So your visual centre only uses the information from your dominant eye and does some kind of upscaling on order to get a approximate 3d vision.
In my cases the visual centre starts to ignore the information from my left eye if things are closer than about 50cm. You can test this fact very easily.

So maybe the approximation of my visual centre does not make any problems if there is a static picture or in daily life, however it goes crazy if you see some kind of motion (flickering, dithering) on a picture which should be static, but it isn't.

    Multi1978 Harrison how can i Test this .

    The best way of course is a go to a optometrist who is familar with this topic.

    One marker in my case was a test with this thing:

    You put the balls on different places on the string. Then you fix one end of the string anywhere in the room and hold the other end of string directly under your nose. Now focus on the balls. You also should see two strings. With a focus on a ball which is placed very near in front my eyes I can only see one string any more - which is a marker for a convergence problem and lost 3D sight.

      Harrison i have a Brock String and i See always 2 strings
      When i started i saw 2 Balls in the near and it was very difficult to convergenz/ see only 1 Ball But After a few weeks its a lot easier

        Multi1978 i have a Brock String and i See always 2 strings
        When i started i saw 2 Balls in the near and it was very difficult to convergenz/ see only 1 Ball But After a few weeks its a lot easier

        Yeah. it's also much easier for me as long as I'm doing my convergence excercises. Also my display sensitivity has gone a bit better.
        At the beginning there was no chance of seeing two strings.

          Harrison i have the feeling it got better with the Brock String. Last year i Could Not use Newer iphone , no iPad ios 12 and so on. Now i can use iPad Pro 11 , iPhone XR and Apple Watch 4 with reduced whitepoint 89 ☺

          KM where are you from in germany? My optometrist will be in munich next week doing a seminar on these issues, he could recommend someone he trusts. Send me pm w email.

          Would anyone care for me to upload the written assessment I had done a few years ago? When I got the convergence / accommodative deficiency diagnoses.

          Harrison Yes, I am from Kiel, Germany.
          Edit: How many are we now with this issue? 5, 6 people?

            It would be interesting to know if there is someone with convergence/accommodation issues who does not suffer of LED-induced eyestrain at the extent we therapists/optometrists may have some statistics?

            @martin hey Martin, do you mind trying to send me a PM please? I do not seem to have such feature available, and I would like to ask you whether your eye specialist knows someone reliable where I currently live. Thanks1

            Harrison if you are also suffering from bruxismn

            Is that teeth grinding overnight, is not it? I got that too, although probably not always (difficult to know what you are doing when you sleep).

              Yeah I mean that. It's very noticeable that many of us are also grinding their teeth.
              Which brings me back to my theory described in the health thread, that grinding your teeth strains your face muscles so much that also your eye convergence/divergence muscles are suffering from it.

              It's also a fact that people with bruxismn also sometimes have untypical vision problems.

              • AGI replied to this.
              • AGI likes this.

                Harrison Interesting, thanks. I did not know about potential links to vision problems. Are you wearing a mouth guard?


                  I was. No I'm trying another special orthodontics therapy.

                  However it could also be the other way. The bruxismn isn't the root cause, but a sign of a chronical infection, etc.

                  I'm trying out different therapies which consider both possibilites.

                    Harrison I also have bruxism and sore (mild) TMJ. I have not considered this to be related to my eye issues. There does seem to be many of us on here, though.

                    Harrison The bruxismn isn't the root cause, but a sign of a chronical infection

                    You mean bacterial infection? Or inflammation? Where? Teeth, sinus,...? I do suffer of chronic sinusitis, which is not always driven by infection.


                      Hey, sounds very typical for me. Even if I repeat myself. One conclusio of the health discussion was also that many of us are suffering from chronical sinusitis too. So there was/is very much accordance between many of us.

                      Probably we are not talking about a bacterial infection. Also I don't know what kind of infection/inflammation it exactly could be, however a permanent activated immune system is a marker for that.
                      Also I was texting with CFS sufferer and to a certain degree it sounds very similar to our disease pattern.

                      Edit: @AGI you are italien right? Then you are awake very early in order to post in this thread :-P

                      • AGI replied to this.

                        What is CFS?

                        Harrison @AGI Then you are awake very early in order to post in this thread :-P

                        I forgot to mention sleep disorder :-)
                        I live in Asia though...
