My possible solution, treatment and progress so far
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So today I was at the university eye hospital. The doctor said I have acuteness of vision 150%. She discovered a convergence issue and was a little fascinated by it, calling it "weird". The boss doctor himself showed up and agreed and told me my symptoms may very well be caused by that issue. He told me prismatic lenses could help, or maybe a surgery. Next week I have another appointment, where they want to check in detail.
But, I am wondering now: if the issue is convergence, shouldn't an eye patch fix the eye strain? I think this has been asked before somewhere.
@martin: did an eye patch help you?
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KM it does and doesnt. Accomodation and vergence are interconnected, and this is a new problem w little research. Could you send me a detailed report please? My optometrist gathers data and is interested in researching how its possible tech makes these issues manifest.
Id need detailed description of the whole issue with numbers.
Also name of the clinic/office location?
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KM She discovered a convergence issue and was a little fascinated by it, calling it "weird". The boss doctor himself showed up and agreed and told me my symptoms may very well be caused by that issue.
Interesting! Was that your first visit of that kind? If I recall from your posts, you could use some devices no problem in the past. Assuming this convergence issue did not develop very recently, does this imply that "more modern" technology "emphasizes" a convergence issue which went unnoticed in the past?
Also, would prismatic lenses / surgery be a shortcut to achieve convergence control more quickly than by just doing exercises? Or is the "defect" ineliminabile without either one of the two? Thanks, and I understand if you do not have an answer at this point!
@martin I could not figure out how to send private messages. How can I contact you? I would like to know if your specialist can recommend a colleague in my area. Thanks
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AGI Some weeks ago I visited a normal eye doctor, but she dismissed the convergence as not very important and did not test it. The two eye doctors before did not even mention it. Yesterday in the clinic was the first time I was tested with prisms.
Why most lightings and displays would cause trouble is still a mystery.
The trouble started 15 years ago while looking at my CRT TV which I never had problems with until then. CCFL monitors, Flourescents, CFL lights, same issues as with modern LED models ever since. PWM confirmed as trouble-maker, software eye strain too, some GPUs and external HDMI sources too.
KM The trouble started 15 years ago
I see, thanks. Similar to me. I seem to have problems with artificial sources of light in general. I too cannot figure out a common root. It is definitely getting worse though. In the past I could always find a decent solution although I needed some adjustment compared to "normal people", and I never felt into the current state, that muscle twitching is becoming unbearable. I am using the same devices of a few months ago, I cannot really understand why a condition of my eyes would manifest itself all of a sudden.
I just uninstalled Office from my Mac, which is, I believe, the only thing that got updated in correspondence of the surge of the symptoms. I contacted MS's customer care and they did not even bother answer my query on the eyestrain, they likely judged me hypochondriac.
I installed Iris and set it to 3400K/60% brightness with the hardware brightness at max during the day. I am also testing this screen protector
However, the twitching continues. Hard to single causes out though, as my phone causes me strain too and environmental lighting is something I cannot really fully master.
Pretty much desperate.
I would really like to know why convergence/accommodation would eventually affect my viewing experience only for electronic devices and not for paper/e-ink. Also, a device used for 16h a day without any problem becoming intolerable after an update sounds like a spell rather than a medical issue. Bah...
@Harrison or anyone else. How do you send PMs? Thanks!
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click on the user - on the right upper site click on controls
if I unterstand it right, a new thread is openend which can only be seen by the two users.
However please do not discuss topics in private chats! I recommend it only for sharing personal data!
AGI I would really like to know why convergence/accommodation would eventually affect my viewing experience only for electronic devices and not for paper/e-ink. Also, a device used for 16h a day without any problem becoming intolerable after an update sounds like a spell rather than a medical issue. Bah...
Yeah. I also asked myself the question. Maybe it's due to some "picture improver" which makes a static picture dynamic - like temporal dithering. So our eyes can't follow this movement because 3d sight is not working at near distances if you have convergence problems - your brain has to scale up this dynamic/static picture and is overstrainend with it.
Harrison Thanks on PMs. However, I do not have the Controls feature to the upper right!?!
Harrison Maybe it's due to some "picture improver" which makes a static picture dynamic - like temporal dithering. So our eyes can't follow this movement because 3d sight is not working at near distances if you have convergence problems - your brain has to scale up this dynamic/static picture and is overstrainend with it.
I see. Does temporal dithering require 3D capabilities?
AGI I see. Does temporal dithering require 3D capabilities?
I mean that for a normal 3d sight you need both of your eyes. If you have a convergence problem your eyes do not work together properly. So your visual centre only uses the information from your dominant eye and does some kind of upscaling on order to get a approximate 3d vision.
In my cases the visual centre starts to ignore the information from my left eye if things are closer than about 50cm. You can test this fact very easily.
So maybe the approximation of my visual centre does not make any problems if there is a static picture or in daily life, however it goes crazy if you see some kind of motion (flickering, dithering) on a picture which should be static, but it isn't.
Harrison how can i Test this .
The best way of course is a go to a optometrist who is familar with this topic.
One marker in my case was a test with this thing:
You put the balls on different places on the string. Then you fix one end of the string anywhere in the room and hold the other end of string directly under your nose. Now focus on the balls. You also should see two strings. With a focus on a ball which is placed very near in front my eyes I can only see one string any more - which is a marker for a convergence problem and lost 3D sight.
Harrison i have a Brock String and i See always 2 strings
When i started i saw 2 Balls in the near and it was very difficult to convergenz/ see only 1 Ball But After a few weeks its a lot easier
Multi1978 i have a Brock String and i See always 2 strings
When i started i saw 2 Balls in the near and it was very difficult to convergenz/ see only 1 Ball But After a few weeks its a lot easier
Yeah. it's also much easier for me as long as I'm doing my convergence excercises. Also my display sensitivity has gone a bit better.
At the beginning there was no chance of seeing two strings.
Harrison i have the feeling it got better with the Brock String. Last year i Could Not use Newer iphone , no iPad ios 12 and so on. Now i can use iPad Pro 11 , iPhone XR and Apple Watch 4 with reduced whitepoint 89
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Would anyone care for me to upload the written assessment I had done a few years ago? When I got the convergence / accommodative deficiency diagnoses.