Can I use this code with older versions of MacOS?
I think yes. But the final answer depends on the Kext in use. You can list Intel kext's to see if we are using same version. If there are different framebuffers, you can send me framebuffer kext and I can take a look if it has this hidden parameter.
when did you notice symptoms
I got eye strain after 3-4 months of using MacBook pro. It became worse when I changed lights in my apartment to PWM led strips. Now I do not use LED lightings, just old lightbulb, and desk lamp. Also, I switched my primary screen from MacBook screen to external Displays (Dell UP2414q). Not starring all day into MacBook screen seems to give me relief.
Never had any problems with most screens for 20 years. Only some crappy glossy PWM displays made me uncomfortable, but I avoided them with success.
how did you find out this kext information?
You need some sort of decompiler. I Use IDA64 with hex-rays plugin.
Then I went into each suspicious Kext (Show content) and pulled binary into IDA64. You are interested to decompile Unix Executable in *.kext/Contents/MacOS/
Then in IDA - View->Open Subview->Strings (Shift+F12)
And try to search for Dither
there. x
key on the string will show all code usages for this string. Go there and press F5 for hex-rays C-like decompiled code