If you have ati/amd card you can join to investigations in https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/amd/issues/977
The current attempt here is to find video card registers that could trigger sympthoms. In my case there are near 70 differences in register values on Good and Bad OS, most of them are not well documented so it's bit difficult to understand their meaning and it's still not clear how update registers directly.
Linux Graphics Stack
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I remember back in 2014 trying to use Ubuntu but being really dizzy looking at the screen (the font rendering got me mad!!). I eventually discovered that you can change the aliasing settings and I disabled them. It seemed to work fine for me.
After all these years, I kept reinstalling / using Ubuntu on other machines and somehow came to realize that at least lately, I've forgotten to change those font aliasing settings...
So either they changed something (that for me turned out to be for the better) or I got used to them.. I don't know!
MacOSX makes me tilt instantaneously, though! I can't stand their font rendering algorithm at all!
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I've wrote that I tested several old ati cards and quiet recent nVidia one, all of them causes similar symptoms.
I've also bought AMD RX 570 card yesterday to test with Linux cause it's supported by new amdGPU driver.
And after starting Linux I've immediately getting pressure in temple area and tinnitus (sound in ears).
Is anybody has similar symptoms on any card?
Actually I found that current dev builds of kubuntu 20.04 (not tried other ubuntu DE yet) is quite useful for me on old radeon card (HD 5670). Working on it last 3-4 days
Hi. My eyestraining problems are so extreme I can't use any screen which is no eInk without dizzynes in a few minutes. I have a 13" eInk HDMI screen which worked perfectly on a Windows7 machine, but after reinstalling another windows version (7 or 10) it also eyestreied me. Ubuntu and Rasbpian does the same. My graphics card is a Nvidia GeForce GT710
Installed Ubuntu 14 but when entering into desktop the computer freezes, so today I am going to install Windows XP SP1 and Linux mint 14 to see what happens. I am going to try Windows XP with driver and without. I will tell you if it works for me
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Hi guys,
have not written in a while because I fixed the problem for me on Linux and Windows.
I noticed when I install 4.15.0-65-generic Kernel on Ubuntu 18.04 it is making all of my computers better. However it is not "perfect" on e.g. ATI cards. NVidia is still the best for me.
When I install 4.15.0-88-generic or higher it gets significantly worse. Have not checked the kernels in between. Would be interested in what code change did this and if this is configurable in newer versions.
Hope that helps anyone.
Best setup:
Ubuntu 18.04 Kernel 4.15.0-65-generic
Quadro P600 (dithering disabled in driver)
Dell 2408 connected with DP
But also noticable on a Thinkpad W500 using an ATI GPU and a Fujitsu laptop running on Intel
Just upgraded the NVidia driver from 440.59-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 to 440.64-0ubuntu00.18.04.2 and it got worse.
Had to install 4.35 and it is better again.
EDIT 29th of March:
Still not as comfy as my Windows 10 setup. Was reverting to Nouveau and linux-firmware version 1.173.12. 1.173.16 is worse. However with this version I cannot suspend as the system does not get up anymore
EDIT 31st of March:
Ok, I made it better again using the NVidia driver. Secret here was to disable dithering (which is obvious) but also "Sync on VBlank".
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deepflame But also noticable on a Thinkpad W500 using an ATI GPU and
Please share you experience in https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/amd/issues/977
It's ATI/AMD related issue. Please also note which ATI card do you have and which driver do you use
Could you check dev builds of Kubuntu 20.04 (https://ledstrain.org/d/683-linux-graphics-stack/40)?
KM I used the NVidia driver
kammerer This is not vendor related. I could reproduce it with different GPUs. So I think it is OS related and does not affect hardware dithering.
I plugged in my old Sapphire Radeon HD5450 (AMD GPU) to see if anything has changed in recent Linux distros, but it was pure hell just looking at the desktop screen for 5 minutes. Still the worst card I have ever used, totally unusable. I saw that when you type "xrandr --props" it shows various options, including "dither". Which ironically was turned off by default. I tried various settings, but they didn't help.
Even got a slight headache now.
Hi same behaviour here with Debian 10 + KDE + Vega 64.
Just for curiosity, which driver are you using? amdgpu pro?
I'm looking to jump into a linux hosted VM soon so I'll be posting in this thread. I don't have a ton of experience, but in the past I have noticed that Linux Mint with xfce caused me pain, while cinnamon did not. Lubunut with LXDE did not cause me problems, But this was all several years ago. I'll report back with my more recent findings