I have bought a capture card
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JTL I have some captures, but I have not determined a method to detect whether dithering is present in them. I have an Epiphan capture of the one HDMI source I found to exhibit dithering in a Blackmagic capture (MacBook Pro 2015 15-inch Retina with AMD dGPU), but at least with the ffmpeg time blend method from the StillColor thread, no dithering was evident in it. However, the ffmpeg time blend method was set up for 10-bit RGB, so it may be an invalid comparison until the arguments are tweaked. I also briefly looked at VideoDiff but have not gone hands-on with it yet.
EDIT: I stumbled upon an interesting discovery in the Epiphan capture application. If I set Options->Display->Display format->RGB 8 bits per pixel (8 bits total, versus the standard 24 bits total), then I can watch the dithering visually in the preview window in real-time. I tried capturing a few different sources tonight, and the visual preview was consistent with my previous findings. That is, the above-mentioned Retina MBP with AMD dGPU dithers (also, new discovery, a recent Ubuntu live installer USB dithers on my GTX 1080 via DisplayPort); conversely, the same year Retina MBP with the Intel iGPU only, and the same GTX 1080 in Windows via HDMI, do not dither.
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For those who experimented with capture cards: can we explain the phenomenon "eye strain only inside a specific app, even when it runs in a window"? To me it seems the drivers' temporal dithering is either enabled for the full screen or completely off, but nothing in between. Were you able to reveal temporal dithering only inside a specific window (e.g. Firefox, Chromium, VSCode, games, and anything else that is hardware-accelerated)? To detect this it may be required to turn off the desktop composition if possible.
KM I never found a specific application to be dithering, it was either the whole system dithering or none. Some applications which caused me strain were very blurry which I think was the cause, though in other applications there is no blurriness or anything visible to cause strain. I had wondered if some applications led to changes in my monitors behaviour. My monitors do use temporal dithering, and it is likely that different colours are dithered differently.
Seagull, can you please tell me how your adaptation is going?
How much do you use bad devices from the start? How much and how do you rest from it? How do you avoid the cumulative effect of symptoms? And finally, how can you evaluate that one device is acceptable for adaptation and the other isn't?
I had a bunch of laptops and PCs tested throughout this year, but whenever I crossed 5 or 6 days of testing I got so big pain and pressure that I needed to spend a week or two in the rest from any device
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Ivan_P you can get the one he has for around $25 here https://www.ebay.com/itm/325232137678?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=AM5LIQXqSWy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=gbk_z2lgrcy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Also the bracket needed: https://www.ebay.com/itm/165208933671?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=0zSkXENAR4O&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=gbk_z2lgrcy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Then just get a dvi to dp/HDMI
I've bought both of these linked. I just don't have it set up yet.