machala So the LG246GL00F-b Panel arrived today, i am using it right now. I cant/wont jump to conclusions, but there is nothing overly reddish to see. Dark saturated colors dont jump out of the screen, Colors arent glowing, but everything is saturated(using 100% saturation). It is a TN-Panel-look much like my old TN-Panel. Perhaps a little more saturation than my old Panel. Still nothing looks greyish, it is just much less light in all of the dark saturated colors.
You can not only adjust RGB Gain, but also RGB saturation induvidually. There is also a sharpness slider, black booster, freesync and alot of other stuff. Freesync tested in a few benchmarks, works great, no flicker until yet.
I need at least a week for my eyes to adjust, but even when this particular TN-Panel wont work, i am pretty sure that TN-Panel with its limitations to colors and contrast is better suited to my eyes than vibrant VA-Panel, because my eyes have their limitations too.