- Edited
and made it a post on my facebook
People are always going to sway to whatever the popular opinion is on Facebook and pile-on is common. This is only the kind of conversation I would have with my friends or family or someone I had been easing this on to for a while.
Thinking from their perspective. After being told ceaslesly for years that they are bad for the environment for using incandescent and getting pro-LED lit slammed down their throat from everywhere from their hardware store to their power company, they spent hundreds of dollars outfitting their house with LEDs.. They are now emotionally invented in LED technology and going on Facebook and saying:
"Hey, just wanted to let you know that you made a bad choice and you are hurting your spouse and kids with dangerous light"
Is not going to win them to your side. You have to have to take a nuanced approach and work on one person at a time, easing them into your viewpoint. I didn't mean you should literally go and say those words to a big crowd. You are/were in real danger of being labelled an alarmist and quack publicly.
Social media is the worst place for this as the empathy component of your interaction is screwed when they can't see your face.
I'm sorry for my previous post and hope things work out ok on Facebook for you and people drop it. I definetely shouldn't have said it's easy. For me I've found it's a viable approach with some but not all. Whereas not a single person has been receptive to the flicker argument, even when it comes to a super intimate setting like lighting in my own home I had to look to other arguments. (The only person I ever got to acknowledge that LED flicker even exists was some guy working at a lighting shop who said that it screwed up his slow-mo videos )
I hate Facebook and only ever post the most generic things possible there to give the illusion of a semi-active account.
Edit: Optometrists and opticians are now being fed "electronic devices are bad for your eyes cause blue light" from lens manufacturers who want to sell super expensive coatings. It's very official and reputable looking stuff and so they eat it up. How they square this belief with the overhead fluorescent lighting in their offices is a mystery to me. (Also not everyone needs glasses? What are those people supposed to do?)
Another thing is don't do this in a PSA style. It makes people feel like you are lecturing to them and no one likes that.