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ctsai89 I don't know how the PM system works here.
Yea the not blinking enough is the most lazy explanation ever as to dry eye from LED lights/screens. As many have noted here faulty displays or lighting can cause the muscles around the eye to tense.
This causes the extraocular muscles to tense which has several consequences:
1) blinking is impaired. you have less of it and more importantly the blink is incomplete and the meibomian gland is not expressed. this leads to MGD and that doesn't need explanation to a dry eye sufferer
2) my own pet theory is that this muscle tension also compresses the ducts that connect that lacrimal gland to the eye's surface, greatly reducing output of that gland
Other theories I have seen on here is that the light is somehow caustic to the surface of the eye, either because of high-energy blue light is causing a sunburn like reaction by acting much like UV does, or because of some type of "allergy" to the light. (At least one person here reported such a fast reaciton to some displays causing red eyes he was able to demonntrate it to his opthamologist and get a letter from them for work)
And of course dry eyes always causes worse dry eyes because dry eyes is very inflammatory to the surface of the eye and inflammation causes the eye to dry out creating a very vicious cycle.