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so you're saying none of those incandescent bulbs that are available now are anything close to something you guys are ok with like the way they used to be? or are they acceptable?
I am experimenting with 60W 120v chandelier incandescent bulbs with A19 adapters. I also loaded up with about 800 incandescent bulbs before they were gone.
Can you import old regular bulbs from other countries?
I have not found a way to do this.
Or just pushed by the LED lobby and such
This is very much the case. The margin on "eco friendly" bulbs is vastly higher than incandescents. Lighting manufacturers largely wrote the EISA bill and lobby'd it through Cngress under the guise of energy efficiency.
Best thing is to put pressure on your local elected representative. and let them know where you stand, showing common decency and if they are of your political ideology, you could let them know you are willing to help with their primary or something like that
I 100% agree and ask everyone effected to call their elected official and tell them how they feel about the issue. The fact there is already existing legislation, the BULB Act, that is written and on record makes it very easy for them to re-introduce.
I suppose the lightbulbs regulation is one of the things he wants to get rid of.
It is literally the single issue I agree with Trump on, and I have written the White House corespondence email address asking for the President to address the issue. I encourage everyone else to do the same.
And I'm sure accidently ingesting the mercury in CFL's would cause lots of harm and poisoning.
Not only that. Very few people dispose of CFL's properly. They just throw them in the trash, and that mercury then gets into landfills. LED manufacturer requires an array of toxic chemicals.
It could be possible to be energy efficient and eye-healthy lighting if there was more interest and money towards it.
Incandescent light bulbs are already energy efficient. We're talking 60 watts here. Thats a pittance of electricity. Going after incadecent light bulbs to save money is like hoping to lose weight by eating one less bite of a extra large pepperoni pizza. It's not going to make a difference. There is also reports that the lack of heat from CFL's and LED's drives up home heating usage in colder areas.
I don't really think people like us even have the choice of reducing interest in this kind of issue
I disagree. Read about Clair Patterson. Nearly single handedly got the Clean Air Act pased which banned lead from gasoline. Leaded gasoline caused the average citizen no immediately noticable symptoms and generated millions in profits from chemical companies. It was also poisioning the atmosphere.
As the quote goes, "Never believe that one man with one idea can't change the world. Indeed it's the only thing that has"
Just make your voice hear. Call your officials. Talk to people and educate them. Successes have been made. Read about Davis, CA. The resident successfully had the LED streetlighting the city installed removed.
LED is all hands down the best choice due to the energy saving qualities
Yeah, marketing is a bitch. People think these things matter. A single coal fired power plant more than generates enough pollution to negate the savings of every single LED bulb in the world. All you can do is point to facts, and remind people that saving a few cents in electricity is not a fair trade off for our suffering. Ask them if they are OK with LED's causing migraines for the estimated 33 million people in the US effected by this issue, and if they feel that is worth the negligible energy savings.