your theory regarding allergy to the light is something I think I'm experiencing (and of course I think the eye muscle and all comes along afterwards). My eyes are extremely bloodshot by the end of the day. And it's weird I also get nasal congestion sometimes. But I also remember that when I was young, If I looked at the blue sky I would sneeze.
So anyways, the room I work in at home is pretty big and would require lots of lights to be ambiently lit but I've shut off about half of them and on top of using inlux at 2700k, I'm using a brightness slider (I know you said something regarding that it only affects the color but it seems to help for me) set to about 40% to dim my MX279H (not even an eye care product) much darker than 0%. This is the first week that I am trying this on top of occasional warm compresses and taking bile salt with veggies high in vitamin A. My dry eyes have gone from severe to about manageable. Have you tried any bile salts/warm compress before the Lipiflow (they're costly, but you're from Canada)?
Pretty sure it's the intensity in amplitude of those screen/lights that I'm allergic to. The white parts of the screens have always been extremely unpleasant to look at. At the dimmest level, still a bit unpleasant.