I feel like I spam this on a lot of these posts, but is everyone affecting making use of 'reduce white point' on their IOS devices?
I have an Iphone 8 and an Ipad 6 (? 2018 model I think) and I cannot use either unless I have reduce white point set to its first setting, 25% as it makes everything just slightly dimmer. (this has been on all Ios versions) - the SE2 I couldnt use at all and the XR I also couldnt use at all even with reduce white point.
Just reducing the brightness alone does not help me and without the reduce white point I'll get a 'migraine' (I dont think its a migraine but my doctors tell me this is a migraine) with symptoms starting with difficulty focussing on the screen, pain in my eyes that moves to the centre of my head (inside) and then pain, this takes a day or more to go away if I persist in use, I'll feel odd for a while even after a few seconds exposure without it set (I've just done it, my eyes feel weird and I can feel a slight pain in the middle of my head inisde) but with reduce white point I can use the devices all day on 14.8 and 13. something.
I;ve got an 8+ I'm going to test on ios 15 shortly once I've backed it up.